“Dancer,” a story of just how far one woman will go to satisfy her partner’s- and her own- erotic desires. [CAUTION! erotic peril, breathplay, D/s themes, sacrifice, bondage]

Due to formatting and the length of the story, [it is hosted on google docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1glWX6y3bsXZabM3Q6WTa71r2mw_6wXoekcCuZPIZ7Kg/edit?usp=sharing).

Per the rules, here is an excerpt:

“This will be the last time we see each other,” he said to me. I could only nod. “Do you have anything you wish to say?”

I shook my head violently, squeezing my eyes shut. I had stayed in control this long. I couldn’t break now. I shook my head again, slower this time- but the tears could not be denied, and sobs wracked my bound body. I started to fall forward, to my knees, but Victor was there. Once again, he had his arms around me, stopping me from falling. I had fallen for him when we first met; I had fallen for him when we kissed. I fell for him now; and each time he had caught me.

In a few moments, I would fall for him one last time.

He said nothing as I sobbed and shuddered against him, tears staining the silk of his jacket. He held me, ran his hands through my hair. He made sounds of wordless encouragement until the worst of the fit passed. When at last I was able to remain upright under my own power, he released me and looked at me with a sad smile.

The Voting game [caution][peril][no sex][breathplay]

**This is an unfinished work; 95% complete but lacking a finished end and still needs edited for spelling/grammar/final polishing.**

**Disclaimer: THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. Read it, don’t do it!**

I wasn’t sure what to expect from a title like that, but I clicked anyway. I was surprised to find myself directed to a livefeed, one of those with the live chats on the side. The video was black at first, with a simple countdown in the center of the screen. Apparently whatever I had clicked on was due to start in 6 minutes and change. I went back to the reddit tab; this message had only been posted 4 minutes ago.

*Here’s how this will work, Reddit! began the message, held steadily in front of the camera.*

The card was pulled aside and standing there, head bowed, was a woman. Slight of body with long, curly chestnut hair falling loosely over her shoulders, it was hard to tell her age. Her posture was demure, her hands clasped in front of her, feet together with toes pointed foreward. She wore a shin-length floral print skirt, loose and fluttering lightly in what might have been a breeze or might have been barely contained shivers of…what? Anticipation? Nervousness? Excitement?