Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.02: Marcia Learns Submission (Part 2)

Table of Contents

< Part 1

As they were stepping out of the tub, they grabbed some towels, and with Marcia following Lady Jennifer's lead, began drying each other off. Laura then entered the room with two identical dresses. They were white, but not like the long gown Lady Jennifer wore earlier. These were more like casual sun dresses with short skirts. Laura also came in with appropriate sized white underwear to go with the dresses.

Laura assisted both women with getting dressed, then Lady Jennifer told her, "We'll have tea on the terrace." As Lady Jennifer led Marcia out a set of French doors to the terrace outside, Laura went off to do as she was bidden.

It was a beautiful, warm, late-afternoon sun that greeted them as they walked outside. Marcia had always loved this view out the back of the manor. She could see the playground she grew up playing in, and the sports facilities that she and her friends competed at. As much as she has always loved her home, she was always thrilled when her parents said they were all going over to the manor.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.02: Marcia Learns Submission (Part 1)

Table of Contents

< Chapter 1, Part 4

This is a story of an alternate reality where there is a branch of Christianity that has rejected the dogma normally associated with sex.

Chapter 2: Marcia Learns Submission

As Lady Jennifer led Marcia to the Jacuzzi, she reached out and pressed the button on an intercom. "Laura? Please come in and lend a hand." She then carefully sat Marcia down on the edge of the tub.

Marcia's pain on her bottom and thighs was at once intense and numbing. As she watched Lady Jennifer turn on the jets in the tub, the idea of getting into it seemed both soothing and harrowing.

While Marcia was trying to decide whether to get into the tub, in walked a young woman with long, wavy, dirty-blonde hair. She was dressed in what could only be called a caricature of a French maid uniform. It was very skimpy; exposing her ample bosom from just above her nipples. The skirt was so short that all of her black, stocking-covered legs were in full view, including the garters holding them up. To finish off the look, she had on 3-inch stiletto heels. 'Not very practical for maid work.' thought Marcia.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.01: Marcia’s Introduction (Part 4)

Table of Contents

< Part 3

"And this brings us to the second point I want to make, and that is the dual concepts of domination and submission. In most of our relationships in life we want them to be the same — we want them to be 'fair' — but not with our sexual relationships. With them we seek someone who is our opposite so that we can combine with each other to make a whole. Even homosexuals usually break into masculine and feminine roles. Yet masculine and feminine are not adequate to describe what we want in sexual relationships.

"I don't expect you to fully understand what I am telling you right now. I am just telling you enough so that you will have a framework to build an understanding on. The most important thing of this framework to keep in mind is that neither domination nor submission can exist without the other. That means both must have equal power. If you are thinking that because the dominant person is making all of the decisions, so that means the dominant one is the one with all of the power, then you do not, and I repeat, DO NOT understand the duality of domination and submission. This is because submission does not mean passive. Proper submission is very active, and the more active the submission, the greater the domination."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.01: Marcia’s Introduction (Part 3)

Table of Contents

< Part 2

"Marcia, I'm starting to get a little impatient with you." Actually, she wasn't. She just wanted to appear that she was. Lady Jennifer knew that the mothers of this kingdom did not raise their daughters to be pushovers. Marcia's reaction was even to be expected. But she also knew that this tack was the best course of action to get her across her lap.

"I am going to be devoting a great deal of time and effort in preparing you for entry into this kingdom, and I need to know whether you have the strength of character to be of any benefit to it. I don't want to waste my time on any woman whose self-confidence is so fragile that she can't endure the pain and humiliation of what I am about to subject you to.

"Entry into this kingdom comes with a commitment on our part to always be on your side, and to do what we consider is in your best interest. On your part, you need to demonstrate that you trust us… that you trust that no matter how painful or humiliating something we command of you is, you know you will never actually be harmed.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.01: Marcia’s Introduction (Part 2)

Table of Contents

< Part 1

Marcia went on, "This doesn't make sense. Our family is a good Christian family. We go to the same church you do. It is a sin to have sex outside of marriage. While my mother has always answered any questions I have had about sex, she nonetheless has always stressed that I must not have sex until I am married. So either what you are telling me are lies, or what my mother has been telling me are. Guess who I am more likely to believe?" Marcia finished off angrily.

From the look on Lady Jennifer's face it was clear she did not like the direction this conversation was going in. While she has had similar reactions from some of her initiates, none had taken it this badly. 'Being blunt may not have been the right course' she thought.

"Marcia, you need to calm down for a second. You are allowing your fears and prejudices to hold sway with you. I am not asking you to redefine who you believe your mother to be. If you trust your mother, and have faith in your parents, then maybe what you should be redefining is what it means to be spanked, and have sex with someone other than your spouse."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.01: Marcia’s Introduction (Part 1)

Table of Contents

This is a story of an alternate reality where there is a branch of Christianity that has rejected the dogma normally associated with sex.

Chapter 1: Marcia's Introduction

Marcia Quillis was looking as nervous as she was feeling. She was filled with a great deal of doubt and dread about the decision she had made to join the Kingdom of John. Her mother was a member, and since she greatly respected her, she was willing to try this out, but the stories she had heard about what the women of the kingdom were expected to do, and endure, were nothing less than horrifying.

At 18 years of age, Marcia was wonderful to look at. Being the captain of her high school volleyball team, she had a healthy and athletic quality to her natural beauty. Those of her parent's generation thought she looked like a young Katherine Ross. She was tall, with sandy brunette hair, and a bosom in full bloom; just the kind of young woman that anyone – at least by appearance – would want to be around. Her dress this afternoon was not formal, but nice. She had on a pale blue shirt and pleated, navy blue skirt. Not Catholic school girlish, but more like an office secretary.