The Introduction: Laura and I had a lot of fun and unique sexual adventures together. We are no longer together, but the memories still last. There are many. Some are long, some short, some more interesting or exciting than others. This story is of the time she and I took a sex tour around my college campus. Buckle up, it's a long ride.
The Setting: I went to a very small university in the middle of nowhere, located inside a small, rural town. The school hosted 1500 students at its max, at least half of which were commuters. This story takes place during the summer before my senior year in which I was living on campus. I was participating in a fellowship with a professor which was not uncommon, about 25% of the professors on campus took on a student for a summer research project each year. However, being a science major, my project involved lab work, and so, unlike other students who went home and did internet/library research, I was stuck on campus for three months playing in the lab during the day. The nice part about this was that the campus was completely empty. There were only two other students on campus. They were not doing research projects and I cannot remember why they were there. The only others living on campus were the four resident coordinators who lived in the dorm buildings year round, each having their own couple dorms that they were responsible for. I was also a resident assistant the prior year and going to be one the following, so I had good relationships with them. I was living in a four bedroom on-campus townhouse by myself which, unlike most residential buildings on campus, had AC (and it was a hot summer). Read more »