[MM] A friend indeed

I will try to write this up as good as i can but my writing is not the best.

I have been friends with Paul for about 20 years, we both moved to a big city right after highschool but over the years we would hang out less and less but when we did it was like we just hung out the day before.

Paul broke up with his girlfriend who he shared a place with and he decided to move out to his own apartment and leave her there.

I went over to his new apartment to hang out with him one night and help him setup his computer and TV in his livingroom, once that was done we started browsing the internet and eventually started watching porn that i noticed he had in his history so i jokinly started playing it.

We had partied together before so we decided to get some coke for us to do, a few lines in and more porn and i started to feel really horny and my dick was being held back by my jeans and i really wanted to play with it, coke gives you a really good feeling and so i looked over and said, man im feeling pretty horny now, i would love to be having sex right now.