Lustful Youth Pt 2 [MF] [Cheating] [Pool Sex] [Creampie]

Chapter 2: The Day After

Sarah slowly flicked her eyes open as she gave a soft groan, waking up from a deep slumber. She felt the warmth of smooth silk sheets, a very thin pillow and a very large presence behind her. She felt the strength of a thousand men, as an arm wrapped around her torso, hands holding. She could feel the warm breath slowly rising and falling as warm air hit her neck. She could feel a leg wrapped between hers, and of course, his morning wood slithered between her thighs.

Sarah fully woke up, noticing she wasn’t in her bedroom. The body wrapped around hers, wasn’t her husbands. It was Jacob. Her neighbor. She bit her lip, her heart stopping. *Fuck!* She thought…. She really did break her vow. She really did sleep with a guy over 10 years younger than she. She felt guilty. She felt disgusting and dirty and filthy. She wanted to puke.

She slowly slid from his grasp, quietly getting off of his bed, checking three times on him as she made her way towards the bathroom. She quietly shut the door and looked into the mirror. She could see bite marks on her neck and breasts. She could see scratch marks along her back and arms and thighs. *Fuck!* She thought again.

Lustful Youth Pt 1 [MF] [Cheating][Missionary][Creampie]


Sarah sat in her office, the sun had long since set. Her desk lamp the only illuminating source in the room. She placed her hands in her face, nearly sobbing as she held her emotions in. What had she done? She thought to herself. She removed her hands from her face and staired down at the stack of divorce papers that sat Infront of her. She lost everything. All because of lust.

You’re probably wondering how Sarah got into this mess aren’t you? How she lost her husband and soon her children. How she lost her job and soon, the very home she now resides in. Well… many stories, we go back to where it all began. Three years in fact.

Chapter 1: The First Fuck

Sarah slammed the door shut before resting her arms on the frame, staring into the car at her boys. Her husband, Sam, and her 15- and 11-year-old sons Tyler and Max simply smiled back at her. Her husband had suggested a boys camping trip. Four days four hours north in complete wilderness. Backpacking for two miles from the car parking lot to their camp ground. The threat of bears and wolves and bob cats didn’t exactly help his case to convince her to take the boys. Eventually, with enough convincing and chores, Sarah agreed.

My First Blow [MF] [Oral] [Hookup]

As I lay here in bed, having had a difficult day working in the ER, I scroll through my Facebook feed. I see you. I stop scrolling and feel my heart skip a beat. It does every time I see a post from you, which is rare as your hardly ever on. Your business kicked off. I congratulated you. You liked my comment and moved on. It’s been like this since we graduated college. You moved on. I moved on. I never forgot you but you totally forgot me. It’s been 10 years and I still remember the night we met. You allowed me to give you a blowjob. My first one I’ve ever given. Its as they say, you never forget your first.

Now, I see your status update as I lay exhausted having lost two lives from a car accident. My exhausted tired mind wakes up when it sees you. You celebrating the birth of your son. Your first child. I stare blankly at the screen, wondering like I always do. What would be if we had stuck together? Would that be me now? Bearing your children? Would I be having amazing sex with you every night in your giant bed in your giant home in your giant city of Los Angeles?

My Boyfriends Brother [MF] [Oral] [Facial] [Cheating]

(Possibly part 1. Not sure if I want to continue.)

She felt the car turn off and a large nervous sigh come from her boyfriend. Clara turned her head to face her boyfriend, watching him close his eyes and he prepared himself for what he always said was a “drama zone”. She giggled and leaned her head back against the head rest. She was lucky to have found him. Just out of college, having started her own veterinary clinic. He brought his dog in. He was only several years older than she, 27 and 25 respectively. He was athletically built, great at sex, and was a passion filled romantic empathetic guy. Not many girls can say they grab a guy like that these days.

His short silky black hair, cleanly trimmed black five o’clock shadow, and deep brown eyes. In comparison, her blond hair, blue eyes and petite figure made them stick out like a sore thumb. He had opened his eyes and turned to look at her smiling face.

“Hey” he said, as he staired into her eyes.

“Hey” she said back. They were both in the mood. They each knew it. But they couldn’t just do it in his car, outside his parents’ home.

All I Ever Wanted Pt. 3 [Oral] [Submission] [Creampie] [Breeding] [FMF]

(Authors Note: This is my first threesome erotica. Please let me know your thoughts. Was it too confusing swapping between the three?)

Natalie opened her eyes the instant she had heard footsteps. She tilted her head up to the ceiling. He was coming back down she thought to herself. She licked her lips, still tasting the saltiness of his dry cum from the previous night’s encounter.

It had been only 2 days since he first gave her that wonderful creampie. Since, he hadn’t held back. He had face fucked her, cumming into her throat and face. He had made her give him a boob job, cumming onto her breasts. He had fucked her in all sorts of positions, leaving her dripping with his seed. It had been those 2 days she remained loosely chained to the floor and wall, unable to make it to the bed simply feet away. She had slept in the fetal position against the wall, her rear on the cold hard cement floor.

She heard him unlock the wooden doors to the cellar and began to walk down the steps. She stood up, feeling her muscles and bones ache from the uncomfortable positions she had been in, both during sex and when trying to sleep.

All I Ever Wanted Pt. 2 [Oral] [Submission] [Creampie] [Breeding] [MF]

He observed from the tv in his living room, hearing the rain patter on the roof and windows. He sipped his morning coffee as he watched her. The camera feed imported to his living room television. He watched as she laid there, plotting what he was going to do to her today but reminding himself he had a set plan. He chomped down onto a piece of toast when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned to see his beautiful wife sneaking up behind him, giving him a hug from behind and rest her chin on his shoulder.

“Still watching her?” she uttered, observing the girl his husband had capture earlier that morning.

“Yes.” He stated. He bit into the toast again.

“Why didn’t you fuck her? I thought you wanted a girl to breed?” she stated, taking his mug of coffee and drinking from it. She walked Infront of him and leaned back into him, letting him feel her warm body hidden under a bathrobe.

“I want to break her first. Melt her mind.” He smiled, glancing down to her “Like I did you.”

All I Ever Wanted Pt. 1 [Oral] [Orgasm] [Submission]

(Authors note: I do not condone acts of kidnapping, rape, torture or blackmail. All events in this story are pure acts of fiction and should be regarded as such. )

“Alexander Thomas!” Natalie bellowed, calling out for her brother. She panted, peddling faster on her mountain bike as her brother and his friends had gotten too far ahead, far faster than she was. The nature trails this far out into the metro park was dangerous, curvy, hilly, and quite frankly, horrific. One wrong turn, one wrong bump, and you could end up dead.

She brushed her blonde hair out of her face and used her emerald green eyes to scan about, loosing him around a bend. She noticed they had gotten off the main path down a lesser traveled path. How did she know that? The trees, bushes, plants, moss were overgrowing the pathway itself. She felt branches of bushes hit her arms and legs as she peddled.

“Alexander!” she called out. She may have only been 19 years old, but she was like a mother to her brother who was only 10. Her mother was a meth filled drunk who abused the governments payouts and watched Judge Judy and Maury during the day and getting indoctrinated by certain news shows at night. Their father had long left shortly after her mother became pregnant with Alexander.

The Eagle, The Priestess, and the Epitaph Pt. 7 -FINAL PART [Fantasy] [MF] [Seduction]

Autumn slowly approached the attic, climbing to the last stair. She peered in, watching as the swarm devoured Anubis. There was nothing left he could do. His skin was being nipped at by each individual scarab. The mummy had rose from the sarcophagus and began to limp towards Anubis. Soon it reached out with its left hand and its wrappings sputtered off of the decayed flesh. It began to wrap around Anubis like chains. When he was fully wrapped, it squeezed until his body turned to ash and rocks. The scarabs floated down and begun to eat from the ash and stone.

Autumn then noticed the naked decayed corpse, free from the wrappings. It began to limp towards her. She froze. She had this gut feeling that, just maybe, that the mummy wasn’t a threat. The corpse limped until it stopped, looking down and bent over slowly picking up the golden Ankh. It lifted it up and held it out, as if it wanted Autumn to grasp it. She slowly walked towards the mummy, whom she noticed was a female. Her decayed body was littered with jewelry and the shriveled breasts gave it away.

The Eagle, The Priestess, and the Epitaph Pt. 6 [Fantasy] [MF] [Seduction] [Blowjob]

(Authors Note: Hi Everyone! So this will be the penultimate chapter. Only one more to go. Hope you have enjoyed this. Already working on my next story after the final chapter. )

The morning sun had begun to stir her as she awoke from a deep, uninterrupted slumber. Autumn blinked her eyes open to see the curtains to her bedroom window frayed and tattered, the rod hanging by one side. She blushed and gave a soft smile as she observed a small finch on the ledge chirping as the morning sun blasted into the room. The storm had long past.

She felt his strong arm around her as she laid on her side, blankets thrown over them. She could hear his loud snoring and she blushed harder. She felt his body tightly snuggled with her own as they lie in bed. The dry cum over her face, legs, chest, and so forth still smelt fresh.

She still felt sore too, as her and Anubis had fucked all night long. They basically destroyed her bedroom. The bed was on the ground, the frame, legs, and headboard destroyed. The curtains torn and picture frames and clothing scattered about. Ooops. She wasn’t sure how she was going to explain it to her parents….oh god her parents!

The Eagle, The Priestess, and the Epitaph Pt. 5 [Fantasy] [MF] [Seduction] [Doggystyle] [Breeding]

(Authors Note: Again, sorry for how little the sex was in the previous part. I have made up for it in this one. Please enjoy. Not sure how many parts I’m even willing to go forward with but hopefully you all want to see a conclusion to the plot/story. Let me know in the comments)

Autumn and Anubis didn’t make it to the bedroom. He collapsed at the staircase, the carpet rubbing into her back as she held onto him, making out with the god who clearly had turned into a horny animal.

He pushed his face into hers, his lips and tongue forcing themselves onto hers, slobbering across her face as his hands reached down and tore off her shirt, tossing the garments aside. His hands dove right to her bra, tearing it with his godly strength and throwing it over the railing of the staircase. His warm hands dug into her breasts, kneading around as his thumbs rolled over her perking nipples.

She was panting, trying to catch a breath of fresh air as he was going ballistic on her. She pushed him off her face to pant and breathe “Wait…slow….slow down.”