That one time I hooked up with a MILF in Hong Kong

I was 22 at the time and I was at the height of my MILF fever. I was travelling around Asia and my last stop was Hong Kong, great city! For a few years prior I would use this dating site called Tagged (I don’t recommend it now it’s become overrun by fake profiles and scammers) and I’d shoot my shot at all the attractive older women I could possibly find. North American women weren’t too keen on me, probably thought I looked too young and was immature (I was) so I would set my search options to other countries and check to see if the women there might be interested. I set mine to Hong Kong and found a lot of beautiful older women and they were very open and friendly to me. I remember when I first laid eyes on this one woman though holy fuck she was perfect. She was 42, Filipina, mom of 4 (her kids back in the Philippines), and judging by her photos she really liked to show off her beautiful body by wearing short tight dresses and high heels. She lived and worked in Hong Kong as a caregiver. I was head over heels gushing like a school boy when she responded to my message and gave me her number so we conversed on WhatsApp for a while and sent each other photos back and forth, I lied about my age on my profile though and said I was 26. Finally I was in Hong Kong and luckily on a Sunday because that’s when all the caregivers get the day off from work, go out with their friends and have fun (Other nationalities who live there would refer to Sunday as “Filipino day”). I texted this woman and surprised her when I said I was in Hong Kong, asked her out for a drink that night and she agreed last minute. She was much sexier in person and a lot of fun to drink with. She wore a long sleeve black shirt, short black denim skirt and these funky platform high heels. We first grabbed food at, you guessed it, Burger King ๐Ÿคฃ got a good feel of each other so we went to some bar, she leaned in for a kiss and I asked her if she wanted to join me in my room for some more kissing time. So I paid the bill and we were on our way, I was over the moon going back there with her and I had such a hard time holding back how horny I was feeling, even once we got in the elevator I went in for another few kisses and put my hand up her skirt. After we each showered I told her to keep her high heels on during sex and she dove straight to my dick giving me the best blow job I think I ever had. She had a way of putting my balls in her mouth and tickling them with her tongue which was a sensation I’ll never forget. We fucked but I didn’t last too long ๐Ÿ˜… she said I was her first time with a much younger guy, felt honoured to be honest. Then she spots my passport and sees my birth year then confronts me about my actual age, I come clean to her. She didn’t seem that angry (at least I wasn’t a minor) but she started joking about how she should be thrown in jail for fucking me and I kinda liked it, turned me on. She’s putting her clothes back on because her caregiver family is wondering where she is but I’m getting hard again ๐Ÿ˜ˆ she was standing near the door on the phone and I’m on the floor still naked feeling her legs up, I needed another round with this woman because I wasn’t sure if I’d get the chance to see her again. She finishes her phone call and says to me “I have a daughter who would kill me if she found out I just had sex with you” her daughter was just 3 years younger than I was. She grabs me by the earlobe and pushes me back on the bed, lifts up her skirt and sticks my cock through her panties and rides me while she’s fully clothed, this time I’m lasting a lot longer. She’s shaking the bed, her jewellery is rattling and she’s making a lot more noise now, she’s gone totally wild screaming her head off! At one point she yells “Oh Harry Styles!” (I didn’t look like him, don’t know why she screamed this ๐Ÿ˜… this was back when One Direction was the talk of the town) and BAM there I go filling up this naughty MILF with more of my cum. What a night to remember! I put some clothes on so I could walk her out, told her that I’ll be back in HK again hopefully and we could see each other. I did end up going back a year later and arranged a date with her but she cancelled on it last minute sadly. Not in touch with her anymore but I’ve creeped her FB and I see she’s found a man her age or older, good I hope she’s happy. I still have all the pics she sent me though so every now and then I’ll jack off to her sluttiest photos and remember the awesome night we had together. I wonder if she had sex with anymore younger guys after me or if I was just a one-off.

Ms. Maureen Mast and how to deal with a troublesome son [age gap] [bullying] [MILF] [humiliation] [twisted]

Ms. Maureen Mast has a son in 10th grade named Chad. Chad in a nutshell is a big, built, aggressive teenager who enjoys great popularity among his peers and he sits in the small percentage of the student body that enjoys overwhelming success with the opposite sex. One thing Chad also enjoys doing is bullying all the weaker kids, be it make fun of them, steal their lunch money, shove them into small spaces or tie them up and lock them in the trunk of his car on a hot day over lunch period.

Ms. Maureen tells her son not to bully, but treat others the way he wants to be treated yet her son doesn’t listen. The last time she caught him bullying someone she got furious. That day Chad had his two best friends pin down a coloured boy on the pavement while he drew racial slurs with sidewalk chalk on his skin. Maureen happened to be driving by when this happened and her initial reaction was to firmly order her son in the car and to let the boy go. She told him the next time she catches him bullying she will brutally punish and embarrass him, not going into detail how she’d do it. Chad would roll his eyes and nod, fake promising to his mom that he’ll be nicer to all the kids at school from that day on.