[F] Perpetually very wet [25F]

Hey, guys don’t bother emailing me because I’m a lesbian; gals, however ;),ahaha; well, in the past year or so, my sex desire has really grown. I can’t spend four hours without touching myself, even the tiniest things make me want to. I’ve also had sex with bizarre girls and seen bizarre porn. I feel as though I’m always wet. My underwear is consistently damp, and I’m not sure if that’s good for me. I’ve become so slutty that if a girl came up to me and pleaded for a fuck, I’d be there right away. I have orgasms unlike anything I’ve ever had.

[F] Constantly extremely wet [25F]

Hey, I’m lesbian, so guys don’t bother messaging me; girls, however ;),ahaha anyway, in the last year or so, my sex drive has really increased. The smallest things make me want to touch myself, and I can’t go four hours without doing so. I’ve also sexted the strangest girls and watched the weirdest porn. It almost seems like I’m always wet. I’m not sure if it’s healthy, but my underwear is always damp. I’ve developed such slutty tendencies that if a girl approached me and begged to fuck, I would be there immediately. I experience orgasms like I’ve never experienced before.