Trying to be well behaved never works, even at a wedding [FM]

This is my first time posting on this subreddit… sharing stories about stupid, slutty things I’ve done is one of my favourite things in the world so I’m glad I’ve found this space. Anyway, onto a story from the other weekend that I need to get off my chest.

A cousin of mine was getting married, and honestly, I was lucky to be invited so I had to be on my best behaviour. I wish I could pretend I at least tried to be well-behaved, but I just about made it through the ceremony, and whilst having my first drink of the wedding, bumped into one of the groomsmen (50m), Dave. It’s worth noting that whilst it was my first drink of the wedding it was not my first of the day – being the stupid slut I am I decided to have 3 drinks before even showing up (just to take the edge off).

Dave and I had met before a couple of times, but nothing had ever happened besides some lighthearted flirting. Well, this fourth drink was hitting me just at the right spot and I knew what I wanted. But I had to be on my best behaviour! So, for the first time in my life, I decided to be sensible and remove myself from the conversation to have a breather in the bathroom.