[M] Nude Photoshoot with my Ex’s Mom

So I dated a Cheerleader in high school who was a twin, had an older sister, and a single mother. She was blonde, muscular, and absolutely stacked. She had the perfect tight little body, but unfortunately she never let me fuck her. We dated for a long time and I was close with her family and a pretty permanent fixture in their lives for those years. After she and I called it quits, we weren’t friendly for a long time but after another fling in College we became friendly again and I fit back into the groove of being a family friend.

So my sophomore summer home from college her mom texted me. Little background is that I had done some modeling work, nothing I was famous for or paid for but still I had some stuff going for me in the looks department. Her mom told me she was getting her photography business off the ground and asked if I would model some for her. I said sure cause its a nice ego boost and we did a shoot that was wedding themed. And that was that.