[MF] Becoming a new me and fucking a stranger at a Wedding

This happened to me a week ago and it’s changed everything. It’s difficult to describe fully but since this happened I feel like a new person – confident in ways I wasn’t before. I’d been invited to attend a friend’s wedding and frankly I’d been dreading it. I’m not the most outgoing at the best of times and I didn’t really know anyone there, as a couple of our mutual friends couldn’t make it. Adding to this is that historically, I’ve never really been a drinker. It’s easy to let loose and have fun on the dance floor with a couple in you, but for personal reasons I’d never been interested in touching the stuff.

I felt stupid having to get all dressed up like you do. I was wearing a navy suit and tie, with a white dotted shirt underneath. An outfit I hadn’t worn since my last job interview maybe two years ago. It had never been something I enjoyed doing. But rules are rules, so I suited up and took an uber to where I needed to be.