The Pool: Part 2 [mf]

The Pool: Part 1

"No." I whispered.

Candace lifted herself up onto one elbow and my cock gave another jerk as I caught a glimpse of her right breast. She pulled her sunglasses down and said tightly, "Get the fuck out of here!"

"No." I said with a little more volume and bravery.

"If you don't get out of here I'm going to call the police."

"I don't think so Candy. I think you owe me." Even though my voice was shaking I had to have her, I had to make her take care of my rock hard dick. This was just not something that masturbation was going to manage.

She reached for her phone and flopped back down onto the lounge chair. Laughing, she said to me, "You are going to get raped hard in jail little nerd."

What came over me then I'll never know for sure. Maybe it was just shear animal lust. Some age-old desire that couldn't be denied. I grabbed the phone from her and flung it into the pool. She gasped and went to rise off the lounge to retrieve it but stopped almost immediately. My swimsuit was about to break apart at the front seam from the hardness of my cock and now it was right in her face. Neither of us moved or even seemed to breathe.

The Pool: Part 1 [mf]

Part 2

My mom brought me home from the hospital on a Friday and just nine days later our next door neighbor, Mrs. Best, brought home her newborn daughter. Candace and I used to play when we were babies. She even invited me to her birthday parties until she turned 12 and started getting tits. After that I was just "zit-face", "nerd", or "dummy" to her and that's if she even deigned to acknowledge my existence. I'm not even sure she remembered my name was really Greg. Now we were both 18 and I was heading to college in the fall. Candace was going to stay home for another year as she'd been too involved with her latest boyfriend and subsequent breakup to get in to a decent school.

Just the week before the events of this story I watched her eighteenth birthday party from my bedroom window. As usual she was surrounded by boys all hoping her bikini top would come off. She dove off the diving board again and again showing off her body and the way those lovely tits bounced. She would laugh and the boys would call out, "Do a back flip Candy!", "Do a swan dive Candy!" and she'd preform for them. My cock was so hard in my underwear I thought it would explode. But I wasn't going to be the pathetic peeping tom, jacking myself to the pretty girl next door. Instead I logged on to World of Warcraft to get my mind of my throbbing dick.