
She shut her eyes from there intense orgasm her body was experiencing and thought back to how the events of the last two days had transpired and ended her up here. Beneath the man she lusted after.

It had been about 4 months since Madison (aka Madi) had seen Conrad (aka Con). The last time they parted ways in a cloud of Anger and unresolved feelings. Feelings that didn’t have any resolution and she knew that they would forever be in this limbo; but, she was determined to not let him being one of the organisers for the event today affect her in any way.

The event went on smoothly and she had managed to avoid seeing Con or having to interact with him. But there was a party today at Con’s place and She knew she should skip it, but she wanted to see him.

Just thinking about seeing him again made her wet and she touched her wet pussy under the running shower. She turned off the shower, sat on the toilet and spread her legs and began touching herself thinking about him. She reached the peak but it didn’t tip and she just didn’t cum. She knew she needed dick, his dick.

Michael & I (Part II) – The First Kiss


Michael hadn’t messaged me over the weekend. I wanted to message him, but won over my impulse to message him and got busy with my weekend.

Monday came around and hoping for a message, i headed to the office. But other than the usual professional greeting, i got nothing from him.

Tuesday, i decided to wear the egg to the office. I dropped him one message.

Me: 🥚

No reply.

I usually went for a walk with some colleagues around the office premises post lunch. And as i stepped out of the building, i felt the slow buzzing. I took a deep breath and began walking, the slow buzzing continued. I looked around to see where he was. I couldn’t see him anywhere.

I was so frustrated that as i walked into the lift, i could feel the vibrating egg moving around because of how wet i was. I pushed the 13th floor button and waited for the lift to close. As the lift doors were shutting my phone beeped.

Michael: look up to your left.

I looked up and there he was, looking straight at me.

In the heat of the moment

I threw the wand to the other side of the bed and sulked. I was so horny and self service wasn’t cutting it anymore; i needed to fuck!

It had been 3 years since I actually had sex, make outs yes, but i was so wrapped up in completing law school and having a boyfriend would be nothing but a distraction. And now after all that sacrifice i passed in flying colours and was all set to join the city’s biggest shippers as a junior legal consultant.

The table rang and i looked at the time. Shit, it was 4PM and i was supposed to be at my aunt’s house for their 35th wedding anniversary.

I quickly threw on my summer floral party dress with a deep deck that showed the curves of my breast but still left enough to the imagination and hugged those wide hips and curvy ass.

I arrived at the party an hour late, quickly found my aunt and uncle, wished them all the joy and continued happiness and shuffled away to the open bar.

“Whiskey neat and a bottle of cold water please”

Moving in

I hated shifting; but it was part of the process when you take up a new job and here i was. New job, new place, new people and new roommates.

Thankfully my new roommate would only come back by 5 and i had enough time to unpack and relax before having to get to know this new person I’d be sharing a living space with.

It was close to 3 by the time i was done with unpacking and arranging my things. I decided to take a shower and get comfortable. The weather was hot and sticky and the cold water was a welcome respite. I stood below the shower for about 10 mins, soaking my short hair in the water, shampooing it and finishing up with my shower.

I dried up, threw on a tee and wore my black boxer shorts. I was laying in bed, reading when the door opened and my new roommate walked in.

She was petit, small boobs, with wide hips and slender shoulders and long hair tied in a high pony.

Edging & Cuming in the office

There he was sitting in front of me. Michael, broad shoulders, muscled chest, head full of hair that i could run my hand through, eyes with long lashes that mesmerized me and lips that i so badly wanted to kiss.

We worked together but never conversed other than for work. How do I get his attention. How could I get him to notice me, i wondered. He was nice to everyone including me and working in an industry that was older than me meant that there was always a lack of good looking men in the office.

It has been 6 months since he joined my department and I finally decided by hook or crook i was going to make him notice me.

One evening while having dinner at the hostel i decided that i was finally gonna do it. I quickly consumed my meal, cleaned up and took a couple of photos of myself in different poses. Opened WhatsApp and sent it to him.

It delivered. My heart was beating so fast, I waited for him to open it. I saw the ticks tune blue, waited for a min and then deleted the image and sent him a text apologies for sending him the photo. I waited for a reply.

Categorized as Erotica