Michael & I (Part II) – The First Kiss

PART I: https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10oaqvt/edging_cuming_in_the_office/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

Michael hadn’t messaged me over the weekend. I wanted to message him, but won over my impulse to message him and got busy with my weekend.

Monday came around and hoping for a message, i headed to the office. But other than the usual professional greeting, i got nothing from him.

Tuesday, i decided to wear the egg to the office. I dropped him one message.

Me: 🥚

No reply.

I usually went for a walk with some colleagues around the office premises post lunch. And as i stepped out of the building, i felt the slow buzzing. I took a deep breath and began walking, the slow buzzing continued. I looked around to see where he was. I couldn’t see him anywhere.

I was so frustrated that as i walked into the lift, i could feel the vibrating egg moving around because of how wet i was. I pushed the 13th floor button and waited for the lift to close. As the lift doors were shutting my phone beeped.

Michael: look up to your left.

I looked up and there he was, looking straight at me.

Michael: look at me and do not avert your eyes.

He lifted his phone and i could see his finger move. As his finger moved the vibration increased.

The lift kept stopping at every floor which prolonged my torture. I balled my palm into a fist, pressing my nails into my palm.

My colleagues noticed me twitching and asked if i was fine. I replied, without breaking eye contact with Michael, “just a sudden cramp, that doesn’t seem to be going away.”

The lift finally opened on the 13th floor and the vibration stopped. I waited for everyone to slowly step out and he stepped out with me.

“Good girls get rewarded.” Saying this, he walked away.

I quickly walked to the washroom, cleaned myself up and returned to my seat.

He was torturing me, and he enjoyed it.

Before i left for the day, i got a meeting request. It was scheduled for Wednesday, 10AM with Michael. All the subject said was “inspection” in double quotes.

I wondered what he was going to inspect. Was this my reward? Was he going to finally give me what I’ve wanted? I let my thoughts run wild, getting myself wet.

At about 8 pm i heard the message tone.

Michael: Wear your black pantsuit tomorrow. With the lavender top.

Me: yes master!

I couldn’t control my excitement and my fantasies were just getting me wetter. I gave in and gave myself the release i needed.

It’s Wednesday!

I reached the office at 9:30AM. Had my coffee and waited for 10. He arrived 10 mins before our scheduled meeting. At two to 10, he picked up his laptop and walked to the meeting room at the end of the corridor. I followed with my laptop and sat opposite him.

He walked to my side and bent down and began opening files on my laptop. His face was just a few inches from mine. He said, ” wait for me on the 4th floor. Take the stairs, and wait behind the fire exit door near the lift. Be there at 11″

Before i had any time to process what he said, he was already out the door. I sat there for a bit and planned how i would get to the 4th floor. I looked at the time; it was 10:30 now; I went back to my chair and waited. It was now 10:45; i got up and walked to the water filter. Had a glass of water and began heading for the exit.

My heart was beating quickly as i walked to the exit. I smiled at the receptionist as i exited the office making sure no one was around and slipped out the stairways.

I began my descent to the 4th floor, walking as quietly as possible. I was at the 4th floor now, with a minute left for 11. I looked up and down the stairs and quickly stood behind the door.

I was just checking the time when there door opened. It was Michael. I began, “Michael, I…” The next thing i knew, his palm was around my neck and he was kissing me.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. He put a little pressure on my neck and kissed me harder, parting my lips and pushing his tongue into my mouth; I curled my toes and mourned into his mouth. I was melting, my knees felt like they would give out at any time.

His kiss, felt like it was sucking the life out of me. My stomach was in knots and i was digging my nails into his neck, leaving my mark on him.

He tightened his grip around my neck once more, and pushed his thigh into my pussy. I began grinding myself against his thigh as he pushed a little more. I was so wet that i wet his pants while grinding on his thigh. He choked me one last time and i came.

He separated his lips from mine and looked at me. I leaned in to kiss him and he held me back. With his palm still around my neck, he pulled me in and kissed me like i belonged to him, my knees melted again. And he stopped, opened the door and walked away, leaving me there wanting.

I want to submit, submit to everything he wants to do to me.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1123kge/michael_i_part_ii_the_first_kiss