The Chair [MF][Femdom]

The Chair I awake with a start and am greeted by an unfamiliar sight and a tremendous headache. I find myself laying at the foot of a bed, I am lightly restrained and have a pair of feet lying on top of me. I try to speak but realize I can only mumble through the gag in my mouth, I try to mumble loudly to wake up the owner of the bed I am in and eventually succeed. As our eyes meet memories of the last night flood back to me and I remember everything.

It started like any normal night after work, most of the office headed off to the nearest watering hole for some R&R after a long day. As we slowly start to migrate towards the exit our boss,Alex, stops us and asks to join us. We exchange dumbfounded looks as we wonder what is happening, Alex has always been nice enough and fair but has never been one to socialize outside the office. I quickly take charge of the situation and let her know we would be glad to enjoy her company on this beautiful night. We occupy a large section of the bar by the time everyone arrives, we are all having a grand old time and we all learn more about Alex. As we begin the walk to our respective homes I feel Alex grab onto my arm and look up at me with the sweetest eyes. "I just wanted to thank you for inviting me tonight, I was wondering if you could walk me home? I live the opposite way and would hate to walk home all alone this late." I only have to think about it for a second before I assure Alex that I would be honored to walk her home.