Looking for opinions on a little book I’ve started writing in the form of diary entries. It’s about a woman in her 20’s whom faces difficulties coping with occupied Guernsey, and her lust/love/obsession with the German officer staying within the home.

My book is set in 1940 Guernsey just as Germany has occupied. It’s written in the style of a diary entries from a young woman in her 20’s
The grammar etc needs work so I shall fix those things down the line, but would like to get some thoughts on it so far.

Thanks in advance.

4th July 1940

It has finally happened, the Germans have occupied Guernsey. My heart sinks at the thought that we have been abandoned by our Government. Our Island already living in fear now faces darker times ahead of uncertainty.

We have been informed that a soldier of the enemy shall shortly occupy our property for work, We do not have luxury of a study and so I assume that one of the bedrooms shall serve the purpose. I know Mother will have me running around for said enemy in order to keep the peace. She is far too consenting, even with things she disagrees with.
She was the same with my Father before he left her for another woman on the Island, and even his behaviour she defended.
Her compliance to everything fills me with anger and annoyance.