Paying for it: Volume 2- The Pick-up [m/f]

First I want to thank everyone for the upvotes and comments on [Volume 1]( I needed a few days to get the next one written up best to my recollection and with typos and grammar addressed.

So I decided to chronicle a series of adventures in my life that I’ve had that had something in common, I paid for them. Yes look at the loser who paid to get laid. Well I didn’t set out looking to hire a woman for companionship. The first time fell into my lap if you’ll forgive the pun and from there it progressed.

**Now a few things to get out of the way.: yes I know this is dangerous: stds, arrests, getting robbed or worse are all potential liabilities. I have always worked to minimize these risks so please let’s leave the lectures out of the comments and PM’s.**

So onto the next story…

Paying for it: Volume 1- Helping a friend [m/f]

So I decided to chronicle a series of adventures in my life that I’ve had that had something in common, I paid for them. Yes look at the loser who paid to get laid. Well I didn’t set out looking to hire a woman for companionship. The first time fell into my lap if you’ll forgive the pun and from there it progressed.

Now a few things to get out of the way.: yes I know this is dangerous: stds, arrests, getting robbed or worse are all potential liabilities. I have always worked to minimize these risks so please let’s leave the lectures out of the comments and PM’s.

Well on to the first instance…

I was in college and the Internet was just getting mainstream. Using telnet to connect to other university computers and chatting with other students there was something only a few people were really doing but it was going on. I got to know a student Anne, from a nearby college and we hit it off well enough to have a meeting for dinner and a drink to see if there was any potential. We hung out for a day and though there was some attraction it wasn’t enough of a spark for either of us to parlay it into a full dating situation. However we remained friends and chatted regularly. Over the months ahead. Even though we didn’t even kiss at our hangout meeting we eventually got to discussing sexual topics, because that’s what you do when you’re in college, especially if you’re going through a dry spell.