[F] First time cheating on my boyfriend abroad.

Background: I’m 28 now – was 26 in the story, I’m skinny/brunette fairly reserved and innocent &shy if you met me. I didn’t really explore sexually at all until I was about 23 when I moved to a city and started drinking, partying and meeting new guys. I had a couple ONS and one long term fwb before I met my current fiancé who is wonderful. He is perfect in almost every way except I think our libidos are very different. He’s fine with one day a week where there are times where I’m wanting it twice a day. After a couple years of this being sort of an issue he brought up sharing me as a solution. It shocked me at first and I never considered cheating and dismissed it almost entirely until a night on a work trip.

For my job, I used to travel all over the world before covid. Usually it would be 1 or 2 weeks abroad every month. During these times I be alone in a hotel room and eating alone every night and would get insanely lonely. The glamor of work travel is completely overstated. Usually it’s tons of flying and then sitting in meeting after meeting all day and then tons of flying back home – you don’t get to see much outside of a hotel room or a conference room.