First Time Sexual Encounter with Long Time, Long Distance Hottie. Best Sex of my Life [MF] [NSFW]

Throwaway Account for obvious reasons.

A little backstory for those interested. For those who are not, skip right to the juicy bits.

One particular sultry afternoon, I decided to take the plunge and downloaded Tinder. The first few guys were pretty ‘meh’ and then I saw him..Let’s call him SS. Face framing beard, broad shoulders, intense gaze, dimpled smile and specs. I didn’t even read his Bio before swiping right, I felt so drawn to him & we were a match! He pinged me within seconds, and we just hit it off… as different as chalk and cheese but an undeniable attraction. Things got pretty hot, pretty soon. But he lived 4 hours away by flight, and is constantly on the go. I was the shy one and he was charming, all my well guarded walls came tumbling down.