[MM] Departing coworker going away present

For context: Mark and I are both straight presenting, married men with children and no desire to change our situations.

We worked together for 15 years and became pretty good friends. We’d get lunch, go for beers on work trips, wives know each other, the whole deal. He decided to leave our company for a better opportunity, more money, the whole deal.

I told him we needed to go to lunch one last time on his last day. Plan was made. We decided I’d drive so he could have a beer or two. He wanted to stop by his house to get something before lunch. No issue. Let’s stop.

We go in and he disappears upstairs and says he will be right back. A few minutes later he texts me to come up because he needs help looking for something. Weird, but OK. So I start helping him search in his closet. We end up closer. Arms touch some. Legs touch. I look over at him and he smiles. Then I hear “I don’t know how to tell you this but it’s my last day and we might not see each other again, so what the Hell. I’m in love with you and have been for a while.”

Rekindling with my ex [MF]

For background: My ex Heather and I dated for most of our high school years and a year of college. We were each other’s first everything. But as happens often when a high school couple heads to different colleges, we grew apart. We had both explored the entirety of our sexuality while we were apart and the sex when we got together was terrific. But nothing else was. We broke up sort of amicably. After that, I met my wife and she met her husband. In the small world, we got jobs working for the same large employer in our state and rekindled our friendship. Heather and my wife Meredith have become incredibly close. I’m positive they’ve slept together. But they are very close and our kids are all very friendly. I’m cordially friendly with Heathers husband, who can’t seem to fully get over that I fucked his wife before he did.