[MF] Meet-up with milf

Hanson, aged 25, had always been interested in older women. After casting the net out on dating sites/apps, he had grown bored of the mundane cycle of sending messages, getting occasional replies and meeting up with self-centered wannabe career women.

And so, one evening, he found a message from a woman who he couldn’t even remember messaging. Leslie, aged 38. Blonde. His favourite. She was prompt in her replies and things started off quite normal. General chat about life, but she did have three kids and was separated – but not divorced. Apparently her husband had cheated on her and was now living out of town. She was tall (5’8) which he liked and would answer anything. There was no pretending to be offending or skirting around anything too personal.

After a few days, Hanson asked her “so what’s your favourite part of a guy?”
She replied, “Do you mean his body?”
“Well it would have to be eyes or arms…but if he has a cute ass I ain’t going to complain LOL”