I [M] was the first dick she [F] needed after getting vaccinated.

With all the pent up sexual energy out there because of people quarantining and distancing, I’m sure I’m not the only one that has had old hookups or FWB from the past pop back up. Over the last year I’ve had maybe 5 or 6 people reach out randomly from the past to say hi. I have enjoyed getting to catch up with everyone, but they have also all inevitably turned to flirting, and nudes, which I have also enjoyed.

One girl (let’s call her Stella) was a FWB I had maybe 5 years ago now. We had been friends and hung out for a year or so, and in that time hooked up maybe a dozen times. Usually more low key, after getting drunk with friends, that kind of thing. She had always been really fun to have sex with – very passionate and engaged, loved to have longer sessions, which is my preference too, and easily came multiple times, which I absolutely love. I had always felt a bit weird pushing for more with her though, cause I knew she was in an on-again, off-again relationship with this other guy, and didn’t want to be in the middle of something.