Our king bed fitted four people [MF] ?

Check out my first story to catch up. Same people are involved here!

After our first swap I couldn’t stop thinking about doing it again. Brendon and I shared some details about what we both for up to but not ALL the details. We were chatting one night and I joked we should send Rebecca and Christian a message to come out. Brendon didn’t say not to haha. I ended up messaging our group message the next day simply saying “We’ve got a king bed. I think it’ll fit four people” and left it at that. I really wanted to do it in the same room, I hadn’t talked to anyone else about this yet but now I’d planted them idea. Christian replied later that night simply asking when so we organised for the following weekend when everyone was free.

Snapchats with friends turns into 8 months of partner swapping [MF]

Myself, Kristie [F28] and my fiancé Brendon [M29] had been regularly sending NSFW snapchats to long time couple friends Rebecca [F28] and her long time boyfriend Christian [M27]. They lived 5 hours from us a few cities away and one day messaged to say Christian had a job transfer and they were coming to the same city as us! What followed was 8 or so months of couple swapping and having the greatest sex of my life. Sadly Covid hit and his job disappeared so they’ve moved back. Alas I’m gonna write up a few stories of some of the best few memories as I’m now dwelling and having withdrawals now they’re gone ? ?

Rebecca was a brown haired, pasty white girl of average height, with perky average sided boobs and a slightly bigger butt for her figure. Christian was a black haired, tanned European descent of some sort guy of average height, with a dad bodish sort of look. My fiancé Brendon was a blonde haired, white guy with a few tattoos on his arms, average height as well and also rocking the dad bod sort of look. Neither guys are gym junkies but neither were unfit or unhealthy. And last but not least I’m a pasty white, blondey browny haired girl, average height again, C cup boobs and a big fat white booty that my mother gifted me along with thighs that touch ? ?