His head felt strange between my hands, between my thighs. Like it wasn’t meant to be in my grasp or near my body. No hair to pull. Nothing to anchor myself with. It wasn’t necessarily disappointing because I’d never once thought about receiving oral from a bald man. I had no expectations. But it felt wrong. Not naughty. Just wrong. It wasn’t just his lack of hair though. It was his smell. Like warm butter and bleach. I couldn’t take it. I felt my stomach churn.
“Just fuck me.” I whispered.
The closer he was to cumming the closer he would be to leaving.
He scrambled out of his boxers, revealing a soft penis and long, thin tube inserted into his left thigh.
I must have been staring for too long.
“It’s my insulin pump.” He quickly explained.
That accounted for half of his smell. Like a hospital. Unsettlingly sterile.
His hand engulfed his flaccid cock as he proceeded to stroke himself.
I was baffled watching this stranger attempt to give himself an erection that we both knew would never come.
I could see his frustration reach a boiling point and after less than 15 seconds he gave up, shoving his floppy flesh inside of me with what I can only describe as sheer willpower. He managed to thrust a few times before coming to the realization that this was not a mission he could accomplish.
In my head I let out a massive sigh of relief.
“Hey, it’s fine. I don’t mind if you can’t. I just like feeing you against me.” I sounded so convincing I almost fooled myself. I wanted to scream and beg for him to leave.
He stared down at the bed for a moment.
“Did it not feel good when I was eating you out?”
I didn’t even know how to respond to his question.
“I only went down on you for a minute before you wanted me to fuck you.”
I couldn’t answer truthfully.
“It felt amazing.”
He laid down next to me.
“I could have settled in for another hour.”
Please don’t. Put your clothes on and go.
“I have to get up really early tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to it.” Was that too obvious? Was it too subtle?
He seemed to take the hint and stood up to gather his clothes.
Hurry. Hurry.
He looked up at me as he pulled up his cargo shorts and with a cocky grin he chuckled.
“So this was a booty call? You just want me for my dick.” His lack of sarcasm rubbed me the wrong way and I realized he was being serious.
Never again, I told myself.