The Haunting of Licension Manor – Ch. 2

**Chapter 2: Admittance**

Kelsey pulled her car up alongside the little gravel clearing that existed outside the east side of Licension Manor. She was surprised to see hers was the only car there and not for the first time she thought about just ignoring the invitation and the party. The incident with Helen still burned inside her. All she had felt was regret at ruining the moment – there was no satisfaction in denying her own needs. She didn’t plan on going crazy. But she did want to let go just once, to misbehave, maybe to fool around before things got too heavy. That’s what burned inside her as she decided to get out of her car and head toward the old manor house on the outskirt of the town.

She checked again the invitation to make sure she had come to the right place. Scrawled underneath the first line inviting to her to the party was a series of instructions. The dress code was “natural” which she stared at in her bedroom and then decided it must have meant “causal.” She pulled on a pair of figure-hugging jeans and a purple top. The top was the most daring she owned. It showed just a hint of the cleavage of her perky, dark breasts. Underneath the dress code were the words:

The Haunting of Licension Manor – Ch. 1

**Chapter 1: Invitations**

Sally Hines was free. At least from the world of high school. She stepped out from her last exam and made her way toward the bus stop to head home. Never again would she have to return to high school and the complicated social world that she had failed to understand. Next year she would be traveling off to college, far away, where she could make a fresh start. She would be able to reinvent herself. She could shed the dorky bookworm image and instead be the confident, intelligent young woman that she believed herself to be. Just the thought was already adding a spring to her step, her excitement building at a new stage of her life where the bullies didn’t exist.

“See you around, Hines with the Hiney!” a boy yelled out at her as he walked past. Sally deflated.