Older Black woman [F] says “yes” to a date with a younger white man [M].

I am a white male with red hair.

I tried to get this woman to go on a date for years. We worked in the same city, but not for the same organization. I met her at the some work function. We hit it off immediately. She was 20 years older than me and she used it as excuse not to date me. “My daughter is the same age as you.” She was.

I found her incredibly attractive. She was tall, curvy, and had very dark black skin. She exuded a sexual energy. Perhaps because she knew her vibe, she dressed very conservatively, but, to me, that just made her sexier.

I called her once a week. She always answered my call. She never missed it every Sunday night. We talked for years, but almost never met in person. Her kids were grown. She dated people, but never seriously. She worked out and somehow kept getting hotter with age. She would send me pictures, but never nudes. She had a breathy voice and my dick was usually hard our entire conversations, even if she was just talking about her trip to the supermarket.

[MF] Met someone through this subreddit

It is bizarre as it seems.

My stories have a common theme: I am attracted to and like to fuck older Black women.

I have been contacted before and just assumed it was gay guys looking for dick pics or women, who after reading their comments, I have no interest in meeting, so I don’t respond. This message was different because it was well written, clever, curious, and when she described herself, at least physically, she was similar to previous women that I have had relationships.

Why did she write to me?

1. She liked the stories.
2. She wanted to know if the stories are true (they are).
3. She was curious about my attraction.

I liked her immediately and was amazed that she was reaching out and is so honest. Shocked really. I made the mistake of assuming (please accept my apology in advance) this subreddit is filled with people that are…

1. All men
2. Men who are young randy
2b. Men who have a sex addiction
2c. Men who are maladjusted

[MF] Older Black work crush invited to dinner

We had flirted in the office for years. Divorced, athletic, dreads, with dark black skin, and a gorgeous round not possible to overhype round ass, she was close to 20 years older than me. I ran into her less after the pandemic hit. Our office was mostly remote and the few times I ran into her at office the air was thick between us. We started working on the same team. I took the chance to invite her over to eat. She accepted on a weeknight.

When I invited her over it was with the expectation that we would have sex. At least on my end, the attraction was too strong to expect the invitation was for anything but fucking. This had gone on for years. I would discover that her clothing revealed the same thought.

I cooked pasta. It has the advantage of smelling wonderfully and if you want a conversation you can keep cooking it or if you want to move the date along you can have it ready.

[m][f] 15 years later

When I was getting my graduate degree, I struck up a relationship with someone who worked at the university. She was neither a professor or administrator, but worked in the offices that dealt with the transcripts. She was Jamaican originally coming over in her teens, wore bright dresses that revealed beautiful breasts, not classically beautiful, but she was smart and fun. She still spoke with an accent, which I joked was an act because she had been in America over thirty years. She had pursued me.

I originally went to the office over some problem of needing my undergraduate transcript on file and during the end conversation she suggested that we get coffee sometime. Being in my mid-twenties that alone got my dick hard. She later said the intensity of the way I was looking at her encouraged her to ask me out.

She was separated from her husband, her two sons were acting out, and, to be honest, it felt like the first couple of times we met up that it was a therapy session. As excited as I was by the idea of meeting up, the reality was falling short. That changed when we had sex.

[MF] Actual work conversation

M= me D= work colleague

D: Do you mind if I join you I got to get these out before the end of the day?

M: Of course not, it is nice to see you. I have not seen you in awhile.

[We are in the work copy room. I am putting together some packets I need and she has what looks like twenty envelopes she is stuffing and eventually mailing. She is my work crush. About 20 years older, Black, a fitness instructor on the side, dresses well, incredible ass, and a fun personality. She also has dreads, which I find sexy.]

D: I know. I’ve been working at home. To be honest, I prefer it.

M: I agree. The office is usually empty.

D: What have you been up to?

M: Work is picking up and I am planning two trips this summer.

D: That sounds fun. I wish I could go on a trip, but my daughter is looking at colleges this summer, so I am stuck doing that.

M: That could still be fun.

D: She is the last one. It will be fun to have the house empty.

[M][F] Benefits of a cookout

I moved for a job to another part of the country. Fortunately, it was a city near where my aunt lived, who connected with me with people in area and helped me get organized. After a few weeks in the city she invited me out to a cookout in the suburbs. Honestly, I did not want to go.

My cousins had moved away and it was going to be just her friends. On a hot day in the summer, I would have preferred being the city. It was only to pay her back for being nice to me that I went. I had to get picked up from the train station so I came out early.

It was worse than I thought. My aunt’s friends were all retired, I was they youngest by 20 years, and I had to grill all the food. Fortunately, when grilling I could avoid the conversation and then watch the game. When I got stuck in an awful conversation, I just excused myself to go to the bathroom. On the 3rd time doing this, I saw my aunt’s newest friend arrive. She was late.

My 60 year old co-worker [M][F]

I was looking for a new apartment and she invited me to look at hers to see if I might be interested in the building. We were friends, been out to eat several times, went to a show once, and constantly talked in the office. She was hot. A dark-skinned black women, addicted to fitness, she was shorter 5’3”, but with curves and incredible dreads and looked nowhere near 60, except for the graying around her temple, and some graying, I would find out, in other parts of her body.

At the office, I rarely flirted with her because I never flirt at the office, plus being close to 30 years younger I did not anticipate her being interested. A few times she caught me staring at her body, but I imagine a lot of men (and women) did— it comes with being a sexy woman.

I showed up and she gave me a tour: showed me the mailroom, fitness center, and roof deck. Eventually, we made it to her apartment. It was nice, but old— like her. She told me that she used to live there with her daughter, but she moved out. She wore sweats, talked causally about the building, and she provided some snacks. She was funny, warm, and smart— I tried to suppress my attraction.

Fucked my Black elderly co-worker 4 times in one night [mf]

It is not that I am young —past 40. It is just that she is old— past 60– and, at 64, qualified for Social Security. We had worked together for years and I considered us friends. Before our employer did not require us to go into the office ,we went out for lunch and, a few times, we went out for drinks, but in a group. I had always been attracted to her, but she had been married and had a bunch of kids, plus she was old.

Sometimes when when we both got on Zoom, we chatted. Her husband had died recently and her kids were back living with her. She had lost weight and looked amazing. Dark skinned, 5’5”, thick lips, dreads, brilliant eyes, clear skin, but, and I know it sounds primal, it was her ass that made me linger by her cubicle. Round, large, and unlike any other woman’s ass at our company, or, being honest, anywhere else. Her ass was, by itself, seductive. True, and at 64!

Sorry, are you on a date? [M][F]

She was on a date.

I was out with co-workers looking for a place to grab a couple of beers. The first two places were crowded and sticky so we kept moving. It was hot and I knew a place blocks away and we eventually made it there.

She was in her mid-50’s, black, in a summer dress, toned arms, showing cleavage, but it was her round ass, which she now had covered with a long t-shirt, that, I am sure, drew most of the attention. I was attracted to her immediately. I have a thing. She fit it perfectly.

Still, I am a respectful man, so even though my group was seated right next to hers, I said nothing. That was the plan, but everyone in my group was upset at me for walking (they wanted to take a cab) and froze me out of the conversation. So I sat.

My friend across me, started talking to her date. Weather, sports and other boring stuff. My friend was a boring guy. This guy was a boring guy. I was straining. While they were talking, I got a chance to check out my attraction and she was even more incredible than my first glance. Dreads, clear midnight skin, full lips, intelligent eyes, I was now staring.

Dental Hygienist shifts attraction [MF]

I went for braces my sophomore year, a little later than the others. My dentist was a quack. Each month you had to go for a check up and considering that I am a redhead the pain was excruciating each time they were tightened.

One of the hygienists was a black woman who some times did my cleanings. Friendly, professional it took awhile to realize how hot she was. Her body was hidden under her hygienist outfit and I was just beginning to comprehend the pretty girl in school was not really who I was attracted to— it was this hygienist that I wanted. At the time, it seemed strange that I became attracted to a woman in her forties, but, if you could have seen her, it was incredibly normal.

I started to notice that each time I came in, although there were other hygienists, she did my cleaning, which was a lot because I had my braces for three years and you had to go in every month. I started going in while was 15 and stopped after 18. We talked, like I did with everyone including the dentist, and she did her job.