[MF] Fingered my Alien girlfriend (23) by the lake and I (22) rushed to fuck her at home.

Skip to ********* for the fun stuff

I’d figured it would be fun to try on my hand at sharing a story.

I met Isabell through mutual friends some 10 plus years ago now and came to know her as time went on. She had a very bubbly and perky personality. She was constantly laughing in any conversation she was part of. She was a very sociable person able to converse with any group of people. This was a great personal trait she had and was a wonderful person to be around. Sometimes she came off to me as overly talkative but maybe in hind sight, that may have been what attracted me to her compared to my more reserved introvert personality.

As we hung around in the same crowds, Isabell would be her normal self around me. At times making sort of a game to get me to come out of my shell. I will give it to her she was good at it making me laugh and breaking whatever strong silent type I gave off.