Friends Give In: Chapter 1

Disclaimer: All characters are fictional, and any semblance to any real person is a coincidence. All sexual activity takes place with characters over 18

Mallory and Oliver had first met freshman year in geography class. Mallory was an awkward young skinny redheaded girl. Oliver was a quiet boy who played the guitar in his free time and didn’t attract much attention. After a while, they struck up a conversation.

Through the turbulence of high school, COVID, exams, rough tests and university applications, they grew closer and closer. Talking in geography class turned into casual texts between classmates. Those casual texts became late-night Facetime calls. Soon enough, they were in love. Bystanders thought they were a couple. Oliver’s friends told him to man up and ask her on a date, but he never did find the courage. Mallory knew she was in love with him, but she outright refused to admit it.