The Day I cheated on my B[F] with his Coach

It had been just two days since I lost my virginity to my bf. We fucked on friday after the cricket finals and went home and returned to school on Monday everything was going fine until the lunch hour as I was sitying in the cafeteria with my friends Coach Brown who was my bf’s Cricket coach came to our table and asked me to come to his office. I was surprised and so were my friends but I finished my lunch and went to his office he told me to lock the door. I found it a little weird but did as he told me to. I sat down and he made small talk and after that told me he had some questions regarding Islam which he saw in this video as he showed me the video it was me getting drilled by my bf on the lockerroom bench. I was shocked to my core no words came to my mouth and I looked at him as he smiled. I didn’t knew what to do he stood up and told me

“Who would’ve thought you are such a slut under all those clothes”

I had no answer he went on

Pakistani Hijabi looses virginity [F]

I come from a very religious Palistani Muslim family but growing up in the UK it was always a battle to choose what I really cared about more the religious upbringing my parents did or the fun and loving British culture that is until I found about masturbation and there was no turning back.

I started seeing guys but secretly and I hadn’t done anything apart from a couple of BJ’S to my then bf but that all changed. The end of school year was coming and our school’s cricket team had reached the final my bf was in that team and their opponents turned out to be my cousins team with whom my parents wanted to me to get married so I hated him.

I told my bf about the situation and we made a bet that if the team wins I’ll get naked and show him my body which I hadn’t done till now I accepted pretty easily because I actually wanted to do it so this was the perfect chance.

The match happened and not only did we win but my bf scored a half century after the game as everyone was celebrating I got a text from him “in the boys locker room in half an hour”