Diary of an Affair Part 6 – The Stars Aligned [FM] [Cheating]

I woke up early and made my way tot he kitchen. Danny had moved from the chair to the couch. I intentionally ground some coffee to wake him up, even though we had a few days of ground coffee left. He staggered back to the bedroom and I heard the shower start. I began scrolling thorough my phone before opening my work email as the coffee brewed. I was enjoying my coffee in silence until the kids rolled out of their rooms and Danny followed soon after. After taking a few sips of coffee, Danny mentioned that he would take our daughter to the team bonding dinner after practice. It was like he was taking one for the family, but I would later find out that he had ulterior motives. My son then mentioned that he was going over to a friends house after practice and having dinner and working on a project. I tried to hide my exuberance and asked the needed questions to my husband, daughter, and son about their plans for the evening all awhile my mind was racing with the thought of having the house to myself.

Diary of an Affair Part 5 – Two In a Row [FM] [Cheating]

After the house emptied, I settled in to work and realized that I needed to buckle down and work for a few hours. The previous days escapades got me off of my work schedule and I needed to catch up. My stomach was grumbling and I realized that it was after noon and the pile of work had been whittled down to a manageable mound. I went into the kitchen and made my usual salad and wandered back to my “office”, an old pie sliver shaped storage room between the house and garage. With my browser set to private, I started perusing the porn sites for blowjobs. I truly enjoyed sucking Jay’s cock last evening and wanted to more than just pump and bob. It had been years since I had any type of sexy feeling inside me and I definitely wanted to make the best of it. After almost two hours of going down a blowjob rabbit hole, I found myself in my bed playing with myself.

Diary of an Affair – The First Meet Up (4)

After a few days of rain, a warm front blew through town and I wanted to get outside. At least that was the excuse I was going to use to get outside. For the last few nights, I waited in the bedroom and no flickering light. I was getting cagey and wanted to get back to my new routine. After dinner and straightening up the kitchen I went back to the bedroom and changed into a pair of running tights and my tighter zip up sweatshirt. I decided no bra and no panties were called for on this warm evening and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I waited to about 15 minutes before Jay usually shows up and made my way to the front of the house. I pulled two beers out of the fridge and gave them to Danny and told him I was going for a walk and asked if he wanted to join me. He smiled and said “Not after you gave me two fresh beers.” I laughed and kissed him on the forehead and walked out the front door and walked up the side of our house through two gates to the trial and waited.

Diary of an Affair – The Third Act (3)

I woke up early and made my way to the kitchen for some coffee. The house was quiet and I enjoyed every second of the peace and quiet. I scrolled throw my phone and found what I needed. I thought a “late lunch” will be taken today and I will get a wax. It had been years since I had a bikini wax and I decide it was a good time to treat myself.

After giving a pound of hair and what felt like many layers of skin to the wax lady I found myself wandering the street and looking in a lingerie boutique. What better way to show off my freshly waxed nether region with some sexy lingerie. It had been years since I splurged on anything like this and I chose a little bra and panty set with thigh highs and basically a transparent babydoll.

I got home and checked my work email and headed straight to the bedroom. For the first time in years I stood naked in front of our mirror and admired my body. My fingers glided over the little tuft of hair that I had left and I felt younger for the first time in years. I tried on both outfits and decided to go with the bra and panty set before returning to work. The rest of the day was spent daydreaming about what I was going to to due that evening.

Diary of an Affair – The Second Act (2)

I was giddy the whole next day. Work flew by with me mostly daydreaming about last night and thinking about if and what I should do as a second act. I didn’t feel like cooking, so we ordered out. I knew Danny wouldn’t care and I have been on a streak of cooking, so my kids wouldn’t care either.

After dinner, Danny found his way to his seat and decided that getting up was too strenuous, so he brought four cans in beer coozies. The kids cleared the table and went to their rooms to do whatever they do. I did the dishes and went back to the bedroom. I had about 30 minutes to come up with some sort of thing to be doing when Jay walked by. I went through my lingerie in the closet and nothing stood out. I finally decided on an old rarely used silk robe.

Diary of an Affair – That First Evening (1)

The day was just like any other. I work from home and finished my daily task sheet. My husband (Danny) texted and asked if I could make chicken parm, a family staple. After I agreed, he then texted and asked for me to pick up some beer. I knew there was a motive. So, I headed to the store for the ingredients and ran into Jay at the checkout lone. He was his normal outgoing self and we chatted as I bagged my groceries. He walked me to my car and helped me load them in. He was a little older, but definitely was fitter than your average dad bod. I became self conscious of my running tights and baggy sweatshirt. I got home and “whipped it” together. We sat around the table and had a nice family meal together, which was the first in a long time. After dinner, my husband got and went to the fridge and grabbed another beer and made his way to his chair and started watching tv while barking instructions to the kids to “help mom”. They cleared the table and went to their rooms and “studied” as I worked my way through the dishes, pots, and pans. After I was finished, I brought Danny another two beers, kissed him on the forehead, took his two empties, and made my way to our bedroom, my sanctuary. I decided to treat myself to a bath and started the water. As the bath filled, I got undressed and wrapped myself in a towel. I went to get my phone out of the bedroom and saw that bedroom blind was open. I made my way to window to close the blind and I could see the headlamp bouncing down the trail.

Diary of an Affair – Intro

My marriage has been over for years. It has crumbled to a pile of two people resenting each other and the bedroom is dead. Our kids were getting older and my husband whom I have known since high school is no longer the man that I met. He had a routine that involves coming home from work, showering, eating, and having “a few beers” while watching TV before passing out.

We live in a nice ranch style house and in the back there is a community walking trail where people exercise and walk their dogs. This is an account of the past few months with me and a divorcee (Jay) that lives a few blocks away. Jay walks his dog every evening. He is like clockwork on his walks and during the summer months we have exchanged pleasantries and chatted. As fall rolled around and the days got shorter, I would see him walking with a headlamp and sometimes even wave from my bedroom and get a flicker of the headlamp back.

One night, that all changed. The following posts are the events that occurred on that evening and many days after.