[MF] 5 hottest things women have done to me

5) Med student rubs my cock at a bar:

She and I were both 3rd year med students. We flirted here and there but never went out or hooked up. She was a reserved Chinese girl who was a college athlete, so she was fit, with a tight ass and a cute face. One night, we went out with some friends to a bar and I was sitting next to her in a booth. I was on one side of the booth with her with a few of our friends on the other side. After a few drinks, I had my arm around her. I noticed that every time I would crack a joke, she’d smile and get her body up closer to me. Finally, she put one of her hands onto my thigh. I felt that after flirting with her for so long before, I could be somewhat aggressive. As we talked with our friends, I took her hand and guided it onto my dick. I motioned her fingers all along the shaft which she felt through my pants. We kept talking with our friends as she stroked it. She was smiling so much. After 30 mins or so, we left and went back to my place.

[MF] sex therapy

I once met a psychiatry resident through a dating app. We had a good connection since we were both in the medical field. We texted for a couple weeks, sending pics to each other, stalking each other’s social media, and I could tell she was really into me. When we finally met up for drinks, I felt we had built up so much sexual tension. She was petite (about 5 foot), blonde, skinny but with a curvy butt.

We flirted at the first bar and made some small talk. Then we went out to another bar and got more drinks. We started kissing a couple times and went back to my place. Being that it was the first date, I knew she wanted to hold off on sex. I wanted to go slow but part of me just wanted to fuck her hard. I opened a bottle of wine for us, and she wanted to go further. She “accidentally” spilled some wine on her shirt, then took it off. That was my green light.

Be nice to nurses [MF]

Residency training for doctors consists of long days and lots of stress, especially for those of us in surgical specialties. Despite the grueling days, I always made it a priority to be friendly with everyone I worked with. Nurses take tons of crap from everyone, so I made sure none of it came from me. Anyways, here’s a little story where being friendly did more than pay off…

During my senior year of residency, I rotated at a hospital away from my main training site for a few months. The point of the rotation was to increase the number of cases I performed independently. For the first time, I was the surgeon prepping patients, operating on them, and taking them out to recovery. When taking a patient out to recovery, I give a quick sign out to the nurse taking my patient. I thought it was always important to leave a good impression, so I would help nurses transfer my patient to another bed, set up monitoring leads, whatever to make their job easier.A few weeks into the rotation, I noticed a younger nurse who was new to the recovery unit. By this point, the older nurses knew me. I signed out a patient to her one day and she was surprised at how I was helping her get our patient settled. We would quickly talk here in there over the next couple weeks. “how are you? how’s your day?” Nothing big.