My Fiancees Twin: The Holiday Lodge

So as we all know covid has kept everyone at home and that means holidays at home too, so this year myself, Rebecca, Emily and Toby packed up our kids and headed for a staycation.

We’d chose a family friendly well known holiday park brand here in the UK and our lodge come equipped with a sauna and hot tub nestled perfectly within the forests of the Lake District. We arrived Monday morning, checked in and dumped our gear, Toby and I took the cars off and parked up off site then headed back to meet the family in the activity centre.

The kids were off being kids and the four of us sat back and watched with a coffee and some cake and started to relax. All I could think about was Emily, living with her in the same house for a week was going to be intense I didn’t know if I could control myself. As the day rolled into night it was teatime for everyone and then bed for the kids, adult time was in full swing. We’d had a few drinks and chatted and decided to go in the hot tub.

My fiancees twin: The Obsession.

Hopefully you guys are all up to date with part 1&2, if not send me a message and I’ll send you the stories, for some reason they’re showing as removed for some of you! As always any suggestions/requests and feedback is gratefully received!

Over the past few weeks whenever I’ve seen Emily it’s been so hot having our secret and the little bits of flirting we can get away with in peoples company has been so fun. So far we’ve only fucked twice but we’re pretty good at knowing each others work schedules and we sext pretty regularly. At the weekend I sent her a dick pic and it got the reaction any guy wants, she is obsessed. Every day since she’s told me she’s looked at the picture and when she’s been with Toby she’s wished he was as big as me and it’s just not the same.

My fiancees twin pt2

So as you guys know already the situation with my fiancees twin, my sister in law to be, has gone way beyond my expectations. I have to let you know that last week was no different!

It was a Thursday night and I’m off work at the moment so naturally I am the first choice babysitter. Everyone was working so it was up to me to pick up my nieces from school and day care and take them home. Gladly and happily as always I did, home, fed and bed. It’s 8pm the kids are sleeping and I’m watching Netflix eating takeout food, winner. My phone buzzes, a message from Toby in our group chat. He’s still away and is just checking how things are, I let him know all’s good and he’s not missing much. The next message that came through was Emily telling me she’s on her way home from work shortly and I wouldn’t be waiting much longer, great home time.

My fiancees twin.

I’m engaged to a beautiful mid 20’s girl, for anonymity we’ll call her Rebecca. Rebecca is gorgeous, long brown hair, deep green eyes and a white smile perfectly bookended by cute dimples. Her body is to die for, exactly my type big tits, a plump little ass and the tightest pussy I’ve ever felt, perfect.

Now we’ve been together 7 years and I had always wondered about her sister, Emily. They are identical completely, strangers can never tell them apart, even long distance family members struggle. But not me, I’ve always been able to tell which ones mine.

Over the years naturally I’ve grown closer to Emily as I’ve become more of a prominent member in their family, but lately I’ve been noticing thing. Little looks, hair flicks, smiles with wandering eyes, as a man I always thought what if? Until a few weeks ago…

Between myself and Rebecca and Emily and her fiancée we are always together. In their house or in ours, out for meals and trips, we’re a foursome! So one day Emily’s fiancée let’s call him Toby, was working away, nothing unusual but this day I got a call from Emily saying her washing machine had flooded the kitchen and that Toby was away, could I help?
It’s my day off so I agree, grab my tools and head over.