School’s Out Forever Part 3 [FM]

Following on from [Part 2](

All participants and characters are 18+. This took place right after completing High School.

Our first day in the beach house was drawing to a close. We’d had a fantastic day, sexual adventures had taken place and it was soon time for dinner.

“I need to shower Wendy, what are the bedroom and bathroom arrangements?” John asked.

There was a distinct silent pause enveloping the room. Wendy let out a nervous cough to clear her throat before beginning “Well, Pete and I have the master bedroom.” She looked around at each of us to gauge any negative reaction before continuing “Terri has asked me could she have Dave share the second bedroom upstairs with her.” I felt Terri give my thigh a firm squeeze. My heart skipped a beat and seemed to be thumping loud enough for all to hear.

“That leaves John, Annette and Denise to share the two remaining bedrooms any way they care. One is here downstairs and the other is the guesthouse out by the pool. The guesthouse has a bathroom so that is the better choice of the two.”

School’s Out Forever Part 2 [FM]

Following on from [Part 1](

All participants and characters are 18+. This took place right after completing High School.

The post school trip to a seaside beach house was turning out to be an incredible experience. I’d finally hocked up with the girl of my dreams Terri. She was an 18 year old Thai girl with a slim, lithe body and satin smooth golden brown skin. Our combined inexperience in sex only heightened our excitement.

We looked around and discovered we were alone. Evidently the others had at some stage climbed out of the spa and gone inside. “Dave, that was so exciting. Thank you” Terri said.

“God Terri, you made me go off like a cracker.”

“Yes, I didn’t know that would happen. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“We’d better go inside and see what’s happening.”

School’s Out Forever Part 1 [FM]

The end of school trip was to a beach some 90 minutes from my home. I’d come to the end of senior school and 11 of our class had arranged to meet at a beach house to unwind and celebrate. The mix? Four boys and 7 girls. All of us had now completed school. There weren’t going to be any parents chaperoning as we were now legally adults. We’d arranged to meet on the Friday afternoon at the beach house, after gathering provisions to last for 7 days.

My mate Pete picked me up at lunchtime and we set off for the coast in his car. We’d bought our contribution of the supplies over the previous few days. Groceries, alcohol and a few rented movies for the night time entertainment. With the stress of finals behind us, this was going to be a great break. We had completed 13 years of schooling and now the summer had arrived. We were all old enough to drive, vote and buy alcohol. It was now time to have an adult style holiday, late nights partying and restful days soaking up the warm summer rays.