[Group] We watched each other over Zoom – it was hot!

When my husband and I were just getting serious about 10 years ago, we took a cruise together. During that cruise, we met another couple (Dan and Katie) who were around the same age as us. The majority of the rest of the people were in their 60s and 70s. I think we somehow ended up on a senior cruise. A few drinks in and a game of truth or dare turned into a foursome and trading significant others. Maybe I’ll tell this story in full one day…

Anyway, we kept in touch with this couple over the years, and we used to plan vacations with them every year and have the same sort of fun. It was our escape from reality, and we had an agreement that anything went as long as it was just us 4.

I [38F] Sexted & Teased My Husband [40M] Until He Had to Come Upstairs and Fuck Me [MF]

Just like the title says – happened last week.

I’m pregnant, hungry, and horny. I want to eat carbs and be fucked.

My husband and I are both working at home, and since my mother in law lives with us now, she handles our other two in the morning, and usually, we have some alone time until about 7:30. Last week he had early calls and was jumping out of bed at 6 am to shower and be on calls by 6:30. Booo. I wanted sex. I tried to convince him to stay in bed, but he said he needed to be on these calls and kissed me and told me he’d try to come back upstairs before I had to get up.

That didn’t happen, and I was still really horny. Usually, I’d use a toy and get myself off, but I decided I would tease the fuck out of my husband.

After I got the kid situated with breakfast and settled with my MIL, I went back upstairs. I took off my pants and panties laid on my bed and took a picture where he could see my pussy and my pregnancy belly (which I know turns him on) and texted “you missed breakfast, I have it up here waiting for you.”

She’s Definitely Watching Us [FMF]

I’m creating this post for the March Contest. This story is a true story from when I was in college.

If you’ve read any of my other stories, then you know in college I had a boyfriend named Tim. Tim and I started dating my freshman year and his Sophomore year. We were together about 2 months before we began to fucking (I was a virgin when we started dating). Both of us being in college, we had roommates. He had two roommates that were both kind of gross, so he spent a lot of time in my room, especially since my roommate had a boyfriend who lived in one of the frat houses, so she frequently stayed there.

One night my roommate came back late when I thought she’d be gone. Apparently, she had a big fight with her BF. She giggled at us naked in bed together and told us not to let her stop us, and she would sleep with headphones on. It was kind of awkward at first knowing she was there, but we were like fuck it – we were horny, and when she walked in, he had just finished going down on me and was about to fuck me.

[FM] Getting her Pregnant

My husband and I co-wrote this story. This is mainly told from his perspective, but he thinks I’m a better writer and asked me to help edit and add some details. I hope you enjoy.

We were married for about two years when we moved from the city to the suburbs. We bought a nice house together that had 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. We had always talked about having kids. I pretty much knew the moment I met my wife I wanted to marry her and have a family with her we were just waiting for it to be the right time. We were living in the house for about four months when we were laying in bed watching tv. My wife muted the tv and turned to me and told me she was ready to start trying for a baby. She wasn’t going to start her birth control on Sunday. She also grabbed my cock and told me she wants it to be fun not stressful and it will happen when it happens.

[FF] My First Time with a Woman (my roommate) – Part 4

This is the fourth and final part of a series I wrote on here detailing my first sexual experiences with a woman who happened to be my roommate. If you haven’t read the other parts you may want to do that first. But regardless I hope you enjoy.

I woke up and I was super groggy and had that feeling like I didn’t know where I was. I looked around and realized I was in Mary’s room and she was sound asleep next to me. Then I remembered after she cleaned me up from using the clit toy on me we played some more and fell fast asleep in her bed. I looked at the clock and it was just after 6 in the morning. I tried to fall back asleep but I wasn’t really tired anymore. I quietly got up and went back to my room and bathroom, brushed my teeth, took a quick shower, and brushed out my long dark hair. I stood in front of my full length mirror in my bathroom and looked at my body. I loved how small my waist was and how big my hips were. I loved the hourglass contrast I saw in the mirror.

[FF] My First Time with a Woman (my roommate) – Part 3

This is a continuation of my first time experimenting with a woman. You may want to check out [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ei4665/ff_my_first_time_with_a_woman_my_roommate/) and [part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/eiccu8/ff_my_first_time_with_a_woman_my_roommate_part_2/) first.

After Mary fucked me with a strap on and had a very strong orgasm from the vibrator within the strap we took a nap together in her bed. I woke up and saw Mary looking at me. I asked how long she had been looking at me and she said only a few minutes but she liked watching me sleep that I looked so peaceful. We were laying in bed facing each other naked and we started just talking. I asked her when the last time she fucked a guy. She said it had been years but confessed to fantasizing about fucking my boyfriend Tim.

She started asking me what it was like to be fucked by Tim and how he compared to other guys I had been with. I told her that he was the only guy I’d actually ever been with and I loved having sex with him, but I didn’t have any experience with other men other than being being fingered and gone down on a few times by a guy in 11th grade. And right before I met Tim I hooked up with a different guy from school and he went down on me twice. Other than that all of my other sexual experiences were either with Tim or Mary. She was a bit shocked by that I think considering how sexual I am.

[FFM] The Threesome

I’m going to come back and talk more about my exploratory weekend with Mary another time, you can read the first two stories [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ei4665/ff_my_first_time_with_a_woman_my_roommate/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/eiccu8/ff_my_first_time_with_a_woman_my_roommate_part_2/). I saw a few comments and received several PM’s wanting to know if I ever brought Tim into a threesome with Mary. The answer is yes.

To give you a TLDR in Feb 2006 I had an exploratory weekend with my roommate who was a Lesbian. Tim was my boyfriend at the time who lived in Boston while he was in law school so we only saw each other every few weeks either when I went to see him or when he came to see me.

[FF] My First Time with a Woman (my roommate) – Part 2

This is a continuation of this [story](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ei4665/ff_my_first_time_with_a_woman_my_roommate/), so you may want to check that out first before reading this one. I hope you enjoy!

I woke up from my orgasm induced cat-nap about 30 minutes after I passed out. I awoke to a naked Mary stroking my hair and gently rubbing my back and neck. It was pure heaven. I remember thinking I should just dump Tim and marry Mary because if being a Lesbian meant orgasms like that and treatment like this. I’m in. She gently kissed the small of my back and I giggled so she did it again. I realized I smelled coffee and it was just what I needed to wake me up out of my orgasm daze. That’s what I felt like. Like I was in a daze of post orgasm. I had orgasms with Tim but not like this. I made a mental note to somehow get him to suck my clit like Mary did. I wandered into the kitchen completely naked with Mary and we sat in the kitchen naked together drank coffee and ate breakfast. I was so famished, like I hadn’t eaten in a week (that was probably from the weed not the orgasms).

[FF] My First Time with a Woman (my roommate)

This story takes place back in 2006 during a huge blizzard we had in the northeast. I recently told my husband this story and he encouraged me to share here since we sometimes read this subreddit for inspiration ;-)

In September 2005 I was 23, had my first job and was looking for my first apartment. Based on what I was earning I knew I’d likely need a roommate. The company I worked for at the time had a bulletin board in our kitchen where people could post things like they were looking to sell their car or find a roommate or sell off their timeshare. You get the point. I decided to have a look on the board and saw a woman named Mary was looking for a roommate to share her two bedroom condo with and it was right in my price range. I worked at a huge pharma company so I had no idea who this woman was, but I looked her up in the directory and sent her an email. She worked in the same building as me but on a different floor and she said she would stop down during lunch time. Mary looked to be about 30, had a short pixi cut, light brown hair, a very thin small frame that was covered by a button down shirt and khaki pants. She told me about the apartment and showed me some pictures from her digital camera and told me it was available immediately as her last roommate just moved out. The price range was exactly what I was looking for and I’d have my own bedroom and bathroom, the kitchen and living room would be shared. She told me I could swing by after work and check out the place if I was interested. I ended up loving it and signing a 18 month agreement with her because I knew in a year my boyfriend at the time would be finished with law school and he promised we’d get a place together.