The Night I Spankee and Hatefucked My SIL [MF]

I am not necessarily proud of what I am about to write. On the other hand, I am not exactly ashamed either. It was satisfying, and hot, and brought my wife and I even closer than we already were. So, enjoy.

My sister-in-law, then in her early 20s and ten years younger than we were, was the baby of her family, and a total bitch. She was never told “No” growing up, never disciplined, never suffered a moment of deferred gratification. And it showed.

Consequently; she walked around ordering everyone in her life around, never expressing gratitude for the generosity and love she was shown, and to be honest, it drove me crazy.

I had come from a family where everyone was taught to be humble and grateful and disciplined, and it upset me to watch her run roughshod over everyone around her — especially my wife.

My wife, as the oldest child, had that caretaker mentality and bent over backward to show her sister nothing but exceptional love and hospitality whenever we were together.

That usually earned my wife only more demands and passive-aggressive insults. Those hurt my wife, but she usually swallowed thst hurt and insisted I do the same on her behalf.

My Girl Had a Secret Wicked and Dirty Streak [MF]

My first great love was an outwardly bookish and nerdy girl — with a colossal wicked and dirty mind and body that I explored at every opportunity. This is one of those stories.

We had been apart for four months as I attended uni in another country. She had stayed close to home for school and lived at home.

Not long after I arrived back in country, we found ourselves at her house, alone for what promised to be several hours. We were standing at a high, butcher block style table, eating a typical European lunch of fresh fruits and vegetables and meats, when it happened.

The sexual longing had been strong from the moment we stepped in the house. We were standing, eating, talking, and then she stuck a carrot in her mouth, sucked on it hard, and stared at me, her green eyes saying everything without her uttering a word.

We attacked each other across the table, tongues wrestling, biting each other’s lips, sucking on them. We were both leaned across the table, scattering carrots and celery and grapes everywhere. We laughed, and I moved around the table and pulled her to me.