Little Red Apple


The seduction seeped in. The lingering, alluring glances that planted the seed. The provocative suggestions masked as harmless humor until she was ensnared.

At their first interaction he knew he liked her, that he wanted her, that she was everything he both desired and hated. *A creature this perfect should be punished for its beauty.* He wanted to see her pretty face contorted in pain as he laid hands on her in the ways he imagined no other man ever had, or would again. The way her eyes became squinted until they almost closed when she was smiling and laughing—he wanted them squinting under extreme resistance, the dark dull blue growing even dimmer as the tears swelled.

Perhaps it was her beguiling nature that was her ultimate undoing. Her confidence. Her intellect. Though she denied having either. How the magnanimous air about her attracted everyone in her vicinity. After months of building a rapport, the sexual tension so rigid between them that it felt overt when others were present, he decided to make his move. When he presented her with the option he was cautious in how he approached, so conscientious of the words he selected for such a sensitive proposal—such a censurable act of depravity. And upon hearing his offer, she denied him.

Diary Entry #386

*Stupid.* Stupid-stupid-**stupid**. Why did I do that? *Fuck*. I really fucked up this time. If you’re re-reading this, you’re an idiot. Why did you do that? *Why? Why-why-why? Fuuuuck.* If you are re-reading this then it’s probably been like three years and you don’t even know this guy anymore because you’re so horribly embarrassed by what you just did that there’s no fucking way you could ever even face him again. You probably already moved out and found a new apartment entirely.

Now you’re going to write it out to remind yourself in case you don’t remember why you don’t ever do shit like this. Also, *you’re an idiot.* Don’t forget that. …Ok, really quickly for the record, just in case this doesn’t go as terribly as you think it’s going to, cool, maybe something rad happened for once and it actually worked out. We’ll see, but for now just write it to remind yourself… because realistically it’s probably going to be that long before you even want to remember this..

Wrongful Rejection = Warranted Revenge

*You talk too much.* That’s what she told me.

Funny, she’d been so receptive until then, but, I’d noticed something had changed in those last few weeks. She was distant, her replies diminishing from paragraphs of carnal promise to shorter sentences around neutral topics. Finally I dragged it out of her with my persistence. And no, I know what you’re thinking, I wasn’t bothersome about it. Just crafty. I have to give myself credit, *I have a hell of a way with words.*

In the end it was my passion that drove her away though. Her parting statement the ultimate blow to my psyche—*You’re just,* ***too*** *intense.*

Now, typically I’m the kind of the guy who can let things go, especially opinions of me. I don’t need you to like me, but I also don’t enjoy wasting my time and energy on people. And that’s what I did. Three months of talking, building a rapport, for nothing. And I *liked* this girl, fuck. She *got* me. At least I thought she did.

Age of Aquarius

I lapped the cream from her cunt as her expression contorted, her body shivering with convulsion before me. *I shouldn’t be fucking this girl, she’s really too young for me.* At thirty-five I was fifteen years her senior, but she kept persisting, and I gave in. I stared at the rippled aqua symbol inked into her lower back while running the thick red muscle of my mouth up her backside. *Ah, an Aquarius.*

*We’re just animals,* I thought, as we were splayed out, her reddened cheek on the floor, tanned slender shoulders pressed as low as possible, her smooth petite ass in my face. Me behind her with my tongue buried in her bare dripping pussy, nose grazing against the tight little entrance above it, my body poised on hands and knees while the sliver between my thighs secreted its own juices that hung in a long strand amid the center space of my legs.

Some Assembly Required, Batteries Not Included

It arrived on a Saturday, in a wooden crate larger than her. From the front pathway she watched the two heavy-set men secure it onto a furniture dolly and wheel it in through the open garage.

*”Lift up on that end, Steve. —No, wait wait! Hold on, yeah let me get this corner.”* He struggled to rotate the large box clockwise so he could ease it down through the door frame into her duplex but it stuck on two sides. He pulled it back then pushed it forward again, it caught at the same place. Bill scratched at his head beneath his baseball cap and, with a thick, polite southern drawl that reminded her of Gomer Pyle, asked *”Now whudda we do?”* Steve removed a little square tape measure from his front pocket and stretched the flimsy metal across the length of the crate, then measured the width of the doorway, sucking on a tooth in concentration as he did so. A quick jerk of his head indicated it wasn’t good news as he let the tape measure snap back into a roll. “Shit, it ain’t gonna fit, Bill.”