I have been dating my girlfriend for a few years now. She is in her early 40s and I’m in my early 30s. She around 5’6” with dark curly hair and a awesome body from her constantly working out. Our sex is amazing and pretty frequent. We done almost everything two people can do together. Despite that I do have a minor gripe; I get little feed back on what she likes and what she really likes. She is always willing to let me lead her into new territory, but rarely gives her own input. According to her sex was always just sex, nothing fancy. I find the contradiction with her having such a high sex drive and then no drive for variety both odd and funny.
As I said, my sex life with her is just about all I can ask for, but somethings that lack of feedback is a bit irritating when I’m so completely open with her. I really would love to do more of the things she would want when she wants, if I knew what those were. There have been a few successes here and there through the last few years where I gained a few tidbits of sexy info from watching her mannerisms in conversations. I know just the thought of us having sex can make her blood boil when she in the mood, but once a blue moon I want those specifics.