Birthday Anticipation [MF]

Thinking back to a really exciting memory of the summer my Ex came home and we worked together was the planning involved for her 21st birthday. Obviously this was going to be huge, she loved to party and now a bar crawl could happen.

When she first came home we had discussed her birthday plans as they would be about a month out and I wanted to be friendly with her. She had a knack for steering the conversations and sure enough she had wiggled her way into: “what are you going to get me for my birthday?” I replied coyly with “what do you get the girl who has everything?” “There is one thing, I haven’t had it in awhile and would sure like to see if my memory is correct.”

I knew I would be in for a wild summer as soon as I realized what she was set on, she always got what she wanted. We continued to flirt that night into the early morning and work the next day was tense enough to cut with a butter knife. I realized no way was I going to make it a whole month with her looking as hot as she looked that summer with all her flirting and side eye glances, thus the previous story comes in.

The first summer back with my ex [MF]

The first summer after we broke up we still worked together and after the nasty breakup I worried it would be awkward. She texted me out of the blue before our first staff meeting, think we’d been broken up for 6 months at this point, and we got to talking again, amazing how those kinds of things go right back to where they started in no time, right? Her birthday is in the summer and she wanted to throw a party, since I was 21 you can all guess why that might be. She was 19 at the time and I was 21.

It didn’t take long to get our conversation on the topic of our breakup and sure enough the truth starts spilling out. She admits that she rushed the breakup, saying she needed to try new things (dick) and that I wasn’t emotionally available. I tell her that I still watch the videos we made together and she liked knowing that.