Since the moral compass of so many of you is not the same as ours, I'm setting up a new subreddit (r/gonewildfaithfulwives) so that decent men can masturbate to accounts of faithful wives fucking their husbands. Only wives legally married to their (male) husbands may post. Stories may not include three-ways, anal sex, kinky stuff or anything else that might offend proper folks like us. All stories must clearly indicate that the lights were left on during coitus and no alcohol or drugs were involved since, as we all know, in those situations there is a chance that immoral wives might fantasize about fucking someone else. Posts that violate these rules will be removed immediately. As for readers, we particularly welcome those men like ourselves who have been cheated on and who now cringe every time they are forced to read through whole stories by cheating wives. We hope this will be a first step toward porn for men that is respectable, ethical and consistent with core values.