Do you like chocking? (M/F, just landed in LA)

As I said in my [first ever GWS here](, a year ago I quit my stressful job to go traveling solo. I’ve always been in love with American sports, so I bought a ticket to Los Angeles and planned 50 days around NBA and NFL games that would have taken me to the East Coast and back to the West Coast, with a last stop in Vegas.


Let me know if you guys enjoy my US trip stories, and I’ll share more. Again, sorry for any grammar mistakes, Italian guy here ☺
Skip to the bold part for the naughty stuff!


I couldn’t be any happier. I just landed in Los Angeles, and was on my way to Hermosa Beach. The sun was out, 8am in the morning, I was not jet-lagged at all and I was ready to enjoy a full day in Los Angeles. *fuck sleeping, there’ll be time for that later.*


As I said, I just quit a very stressful job that’d burnt me like hell and I just wanted to have fun. I was going to meet a few friends during my trip, but it was mostly a solo-trip. I mean, 50 days on my own are gonna be tough. I wanted to meet new people. I wanted to meet hot girls I could have fun with.