Apex Predator [incest, father/daughter, non-con, home invasion, snuff]

*Disclaimer: This story is a work of erotic thriller fiction. The author does not condone the acts therein described. All characters are 18+. This story contains descriptions of violence against women. Discretion and caution are advised.*



      Things started to go bad right when my wife busted in on me jerking off into one of our daughter’s bras. Christ, when I think about it, I guess I was always going to get caught. Really was just a matter of when.

       I don’t know what’s wrong with me, exactly, if it was the steroids or the hard drugs I lived on all those years in the ring, but my brain don’t work right, because I’ve been wanting to fuck my little girl ever since she started sprouting titties, about four years ago, and I don’t think that’s something most daddies with normal brains ever really consider. Or, if they do consider it, they don’t spend so much time thinking about it. But with me and my busted, tangled, kicked-too-many-times mind, it’s been a whip across my soul for four fucking years.

The Pit: Chapter 2 [incest, father/daughter, non-con, snuff]

*Disclaimer: This story is a work of erotic horror fiction. The author does not condone the acts described. All characters are 18+. This story contains depictions of violence against women. Caution is advised.*

**The Pit**

**-Chapter 2-**

By 6:30, Heather still wasn’t home from work.

Roy ordered dinner. Chinese, Cashew Chicken for him and Beef and Broccoli for Ari. By the time it arrived forty minutes later, Heather was still missing. While they ate together in the living room, watching *Jeopardy,* Roy wondered absently if his wife was cheating on him. He decided it didn’t matter. Not after what he’d been through at the mall.

He looked over at Ari, still dressed in her white tube-tob and denim shorts, sitting cross-legged on the couch, staring at the TV. His hands shook as he lifted the fork to his mouth.

*What am I gonna do? Oh, Christ. I’m sick. I’m really sick. I need to see someone. I need to see a doctor. Tell them what’s going on in my head. Tell them…*

*And then what?*

The Pit: Chapter 1 [Incest, father/daughter, non-con, snuff]

*Disclaimer: This story is a work of erotic horror fiction. The author does not condone the acts described. All characters are 18+. The story contains descriptions of violence against women. Do not read if this may upset you.*

**The Pit**

Roy Mitchell slapped a mosquito, rolled bloody ruin down his neck, and figured things couldn’t be much worse.

“Scout!” He cried into the trees. He whistled. “Here, boy!”

No answering bark came.


The sun was all but set, and the dusk between the trees was the color of cobwebs. Scout, the boxer-pit bull mix his wife and daughter had *insisted* they adopt, had disappeared this afternoon, less than forty eight hours since the papers had been signed. He knew Ariel, his daughter, didn’t have the wherewithal or the attention span for a goddamn dog, and he hadn’t been shy about saying as much. Only thing that held her gaze for longer than eleven seconds was her smartphone, where most of what she did, it seemed to Roy, involved teasing boys with pictures of herself wearing too-tight clothes.