[MF] Encounters with a resident

I’ve only ever once told someone this story and it happened about 3 years ago. I work at an independent senior living facility (no nursing staff) and have been there a very long time. This kind of thing only ever happened once to me (aside from an encounter or two with other staff).

There was a resident in our facility in her late 50s, almost 60 (I was in my late 40’s), who was always coming up to me and getting really close to me. She was kind of a shy lady but always had a smile for me and always wanted to talk to me. She wasn’t Blanche from the Golden Girls by a long shot. She was a little slender and thin-framed and always wore bulky coats in the building. We talked for about a year, hi, how are you, that kind of thing. I never really thought much of it for a good while until these conversations kept going and she would always stand really close to me when we talked.

I started to get a really, really strong vibe from her. The kind where you start to realize maybe there’s something there. I never hit on her at all and she never said anything to me outright but I still could feel something.