My first guy in years [27F/34M] [FWB]

I’ve been in a relationship for a few years that’s technically been open for a while. My partner is more on the asexual side, and we haven’t had sex since before the pandemic. I love them just the same- if anything, we’ve gotten better at communicating our needs and boundaries.

Since I do have that high libido, we had a more thorough discussion of what being open means to us. I’ve stayed off of dating apps, but I was considering getting back into them. But there’s this old coworker. We had become friends quickly, but I left the job after a couple months. We stayed in contact, and I made it a priority to hang out with him despite our near-opposite schedules.

Oh, I should also mention that I haven’t dated men for a looong time. I had ID’d as a lesbian for 8 years give or take, and now am bisexual. Still figuring things out about where I stand with guys romantically, but I’m there sexually.


If These Thin Walls Could Talk (Chapter 2.3 – From Roommate to Voyeur) [F/M] [voyeur] [voyeurism] [Storyline A]

Saturday afternoon (July 20th, 2019)

“OHHH you sucked-” They dart their eyes behind me. If they’re trying to be coy, it’s not working.


Jordan jolts up from the couch, scanning the blanket and the back of their jeans. “I wasn’t sitting on cum, was I?” I’ve only just noticed a large brown paper bag next to their feet.

Nikhail pipes up, “No, we were kinda in the middle of it when you got here.”

“I. Am. SO sorry. I’ll let y’all get back to it then. Let me just put this stuff in the fridge. They let us take some sandwiches and-” They pull out a carton of oat milk. “the good stuff!” They slip it back in and make for the kitchen.

“Okay, yes. Love that we have oat milk.” I might’ve sounded sarcastic, but I genuinely do appreciate it. Jordan and I have both lamented: Why couldn’t the 25% white in our genes have given us lactose tolerance? “But you’re just gonna wait while we-?”

“Yeah, why not? I’ll wear my headphones, put on a podcast or something,” Jordans says as they keep walking

I turn to Nikhail. “Are you okay with it?”

If These Thin Walls Could Talk (Chapter 2.2 – The First Date) [TF/F] [wlw] [1990s] [Storyline B]

Friday (October 22nd, 1999)

I wake from what feels like the best sleep in the world. As the room comes into focus, I remember the string of kisses Celia and I had shared in the nude before we surrendered to our exhaustion. And then it hits me: the unfinished files that Dan wants done by the end of today. 

I roll over and expect to see Celia. I run my hand over where she was laying- it’s still warm. Then I hear a faint metallic scraping. She must be in the kitchen. Should I get dressed in full now? Better my chances of actually completing the task? Or do I continue to take my sweet time like I’d envisioned last night? That’s right- fuck Dan, that fucking asshole.

The only things I grab from my pile of clothes are my panties and button-down; I’ll save tucking for later. In the kitchen Celia, wearing what’s either an oversized pajama shirt or a pajama dress, has her back turned and has her hand over the stovetop. Next to her is a large bowl with a whisk sticking out of it. 

My [21f] first Tinder hookup [FF]

I’m 25 now and this was four years ago, but I remember the details pretty well- especially since this was my first proper fuck. My actual first time was kind of a letdown ngl, but it was ultimately the circumstance rather than the person that was disappointing. But onto the story.

I’ll call the girl Yesenia.

Her profile: Mexican, 19, lesbian, robust and athletic, a dancer, had long brown-to-blonde ombre hair, a couple of tattoos, probably 5’4” or 5’5”.

In my profile I said explicitly that I was only looking for hookups. College/life was a lot to handle at the time and seeking a relationship felt overwhelming. All I wanted was to touch and be touched- no strings attached.

After we matched we talked and flirted for a bit before she got right to the point- when was I free to go to her place? I was grateful for her forthrightness. I may look masc but I am not the suave person I sometimes wish I could be.

In preparation, I remember having to cut my nails- like, my hands were literally shaking. It’s funny to look back on how nervous I was.

If These Thin Walls Could Talk (Chapter 1.4 – Beg For It) [TF/F] [1990s] [2nd storyline] [office sex] [choking] [breath play]

(Author’s note: This is the follow-up to Chapter 1.2 “The Blue Stain.” Storyline B will always have an even decimal point, either “Chapter _.2” or “Chapter _.4″)

I look down- I’m fully erect now at just under six inches. Celia feels along the shaft beneath the pleats of my black rayon slacks. She raises her hands up to my collar and starts to unbutton my shirt. I pull out my shirt tail and unfasten from the bottom; we meet in the middle and I let her open up the last button, revealing my nude bra and the C-cup breasts it contains. She unfastens my belt and pulls it out completely. My cock twitches at the thought of her using the belt as a tool of torment. As she goes to set it down, I stop her and ask, “Can you choke me with it?”

Intrigued, she raises an eyebrow and says with a sly grin, “Of course.” She takes the leather strap with both hands and snaps it, unleashing a gratifying *thwack*.

If These Thin Walls Could Talk (Chapter 1.3 – “So What Now?”) [F protagonist] [NB roommate] [masturbation] [lesbian porn]

(Author’s note: This is the follow-up to Chapter 1.1 “The Intervention.” Odd decimal points will always be part of Storyline A, set in the present and centered around the main character Vee.

Basic recap – Vee, who’s just admitted to being a pervert, and her roommate Jordan have finished eavesdropping on their neighbor having sex in the next apartment.)

Chapter 1.3 – So What Now?

Jordan and I regain our composure. They ask me, “So what now?”

The trip to the sex shop I’d envisioned turned out to be a bust. While listening to my neighbor have sex was thrilling, I wasn’t dying to get myself off either. I say, “I mean, it’s fine that we can’t go to the store. I’m not particularly horny at the moment, though I dunno if I can say the same for you?” My inflection goes up at the end, turning the statement into a question.

“Well I’m prepared to drop trow at any given moment of the day.”

I know what they mean by “drop trow” but I’d never heard someone say it in person before. Not that there’s really been a context for it to be said to me before now.

If These Thin Walls Could Talk (“The Blue Stain”) [2/2]

[TF protagonist] [WLW character] [TF/F] [2nd storyline] [time jump] [1990s] [corporate setting] [The Office, but make it gayer] [slow burn]

CW: deadname; suggestion of lesbophobic sexual violence; queer as a slur; misogyny; racist microaggressions; sexual harassment; transphobia; mentions of cigarettes, alcohol, the Desiree Washington rape case, Mike Tyson, Donald Trump

(Author’s note: I swear there are lighthearted and tender and sexy moments in this despite the content warning. I am also a ~cis~ woman; I have questioned and continue to question the mystery that is my gender, and this secondary storyline mirrors my own perspective as someone who’s naturally androgynous.

I’d planned to finish this sooner, but I couldn’t stop adding to the story. Warning- the page count in the doc is almost 20. Also, the Olympics have been distracting me…Whoops.)

—-Start of Part 2—-

I was heartbroken to have had to leave her. I’d just lied to Dan and said that I was quitting because I was offered a job elsewhere. I told Celia the real reason why I was going back to San Antonio. She accepted my truth immediately and asked me, “What should I call you now?” I hadn’t even chosen a new name at that point. To be honest, I’d never hated the name “John”- just its masculine coding. In that brief pause I decided who I wanted to be. “Joan,” I said. After Joan Chen, who played my favorite character Jocelyn aka “Josie” on Twin Peaks.

If These Thin Walls Could Talk (“The Blue Stain”) [1/2]

[TF protagonist] [WLW character] [TF/F] [2nd storyline] [time jump] [1990s] [corporate setting] [The Office, but make it gayer] [slow burn]

CW: deadname; suggestion of lesbophobic sexual violence; queer as a slur; misogyny; racist microaggressions; sexual harassment; transphobia; mentions of cigarettes, alcohol, the Desiree Washington rape case, Mike Tyson, Donald Trump

(Author’s note: I swear there are lighthearted and tender and sexy moments in this despite the content warning. I am also a ~cis~ woman; I have questioned and continue to question the mystery that is my gender, and this secondary storyline mirrors my own perspective as someone who’s naturally androgynous.

I’d planned to finish this sooner, but I couldn’t stop adding to the story. Warning- the page count in the doc is almost 20. Also, the Olympics have been distracting me…Whoops.)

Chapter 1.2 – The Blue Stain

Joan. No longer a John, but a Joan. My name change has finally seen the light of day- it’s a reality now recognized by the feds.

If These Thin Walls Could Talk (Chapter 1.1)

[M neighbor + unknown partner] [F protagonist] [NB character] [eavesdropping] [auditory voyeurism as potential]

(Author’s note: I’m hoping to have Chapters 1.2 and 1.3 up soon- tomorrow at the latest)

Chapter 1.1 – The Intervention

It’s a quarter past 11pm on a Friday, and my roommate Jordan and I are turned sideways on our couch, both with our hands and an ear pressed to the living room wall. Jordan has a long torso so they’re able to pivot from a seated position. I’m 5’2″ on the other hand, so I have to get up on my knees to properly lean over the back cushion. We can hear someone whimpering on the other side over the sound of our fan that we’d set up next to our thrifted coffee table- the air was muggy without it.

Jordan murmurs, “Oh, they’re fucking alright. Do you think they’re doing anal?”

I pull away from the wall and shoot Jordan a look. “Shut. Up!” I mouth at them. Their eyes widen with feigned innocence as if to say, “What?” I reach to turn the fan up to its next setting, both to mask any more noises we might make and because it’s just so hot and humid.

[FF] [college] [friends to lovers]

Originally (and perhaps too eagerly) posted to r/lesbianerotica. I’ve made some minor corrections and tweaks after proofreading.


Months of quarantine sitting hunched over a laptop- and without a proper desk- had done a number on my body. I found myself readjusting my posture far too often. Changing my sitting position from cross-legged to sidesaddle could mean getting a serious cramp in my side. Before the pandemic, my best friend Monica and I were always saying how we should get together to do yoga. We both still had the mats we’d used in a yoga class a few semesters ago. Maybe it was time to hit her up.

I hate calling people- it’s already hard for me to keep a conversation going in person. But Monica loves to talk, and I could listen to her all day. She’s so expressive, both verbally and nonverbally. I wish that level of expression could come naturally to me, but that’s the struggle of being autistic. Monica’s easy to talk to, though. I FaceTime her. 

The ringer starts and loops a few times before her face appears. 

“Heyyy, what’s up Jess?” Then she gasps and says, “I love your hair, it’s grown out so much!”