[MF] Strangers in the Night

I met this woman, in her mid-30s, back when there were chat rooms. We indulged in a few spicy conversations getting to know each other’s tastes and preferences. One random weeknight, one of our hotter conversations got the best of our hormones and we decided to get together. She wanted to meet at my place. We hadn’t exchanged photos prior to this, just provided descriptions to each other, so this was a huge gamble on both our parts. I was preparing myself to politely decline, however, should I not be attracted to her. I was psyching myself up for how I would carefully word what I’d say. As the time grew closer to her arrival, I was resigning myself to the fact that this wasn’t going to work out.

The waiting was excruciating! But then… the text came through, “I’m here!” Not long after, I heard the buzzer ring out. Despite being on the third floor, I could hear the building door open and creaking of the stairs as she climbed up towards my floor, which was right off the stairwell. The door to my floor creaks open and then the knock-knock-knock.

[MF] Neighbor

The title of this tale relates to the neighbor of a cousin of mine. Like me, she was there to attend my cousin’s kid’s birthday party. I noticed Jen immediately. She was an attractive brunette, shorter in stature, and we made eye contact a few times across the room. We had a few brief interactions that night, but nothing too involved.

After the party, I had arranged to meet another girl with some friends of mine at a bar for some drinks. This would be the first time I was meeting this girl – I’d seen a photo of her. When it was time to get going, I was going around the party saying my goodbyes to family and Jen stops me to say, “You’re leaving? We barely got to talk!” I explained I was going to meet some friends for a drink. “I was thinking about going to this party…” I was definitely getting a vibe from her and didn’t want to drag it out of her, so I just replied, “I’ll go meet my friends for a drink and be back in an hour. Why don’t we go check out that party then?” Giving her time to change and get ready. She excitedly agrees.

[MF] Bedding Irrigation

I met this married college professor online, during a workday. As the conversation became heated, she divulged that she was a squirter, which increased in attention ten fold. After a little more banter, and an exchange of pictures, a comfort level was established (or perhaps we were that turned on). She agreed to meet at my apartment. I made up a fake migraine and left work early to meet her. She didn’t work far from my place; so she arrived shortly after myself.

I buzzed her up and welcomed her at the door. She was cute and, it sounds cliche, she was wearing a tan suit jacket with some matching slacks. I forget the color of blouse underneath. But very much looking the professor type.

I invited her in, she immediately took her jacket off and laid it over the arm of the nearby couch.

I made us a mixed drink, to help calm the nerves a bit and give us a few minutes to chat. As we made small talk, laughing about the impulsivity of our actions, I was taking her in. Long, curly strawberry blonde hair that hung past her shoulders.