Here is another story that had to do with my best girl friend from school. for the back story on that here: Got kinda a long one here so bear with me, So ever since we first had sex, the two of us would go at each other pretty regularly through out the semester. And tbh it was amazing, the sex was fantastic, and in most cases if either of us was horny, sex almost immediately occurred. As i said this continued for the rest of the semester until she started meeting this guy that she told me was having feelings. I knew the guy a little and seemed like a good guy. I was bummed that I was losing great sex, but happy that she was finding somebody that she could have more than just sex with.
So they became pretty close over the winter break and it extended back into the following semester. This guy was taking her out to dinner, movies, the whole nine. She was confident that he was a real deal and that they would be "official" soon.