From what I’ve observed of human culture, having lived on Earth for the last few years, the things you imagine an alien species would want from Earth – water, minerals, oil etc – are actually the things that you would want from another planet. You fail to see past your own subjectivity and imagine that an alien species might think differently from you, act differently from you and, most importantly, want different things from you.
Author: Organic_Appearance73
Meeting my French penpal: Part 3 – Camille’s date (FFM) (Fiction)
That evening, after our adventure in the library, I was back in my apartment, watching TV. I couldn’t really concentrate on it though because I kept thinking about Camille. I’d been serious earlier when she asked if I was a jealous person and I told her I wasn’t but I was beginning to have doubts. To me, she wasn’t just a casual fuck. We’d spent a whole year sending each other letters and building up a friendship and I felt we had a connection. I couldn’t get the idea of her fucking someone else out of my mind (even if, admittedly, the idea of her fucking another woman was incredibly hot). I decided to go for a shower and then to bed.
I was in the shower for about fifteen minutes and, when I got out, I noticed I had a message on my phone. I opened it and saw it was Camille –
“Hi, my new friend really likes the taste of your cum from my pussy. Now she wants to try some from the source.”
Beneath that message were two others – a picture of a woman’s head in between Camille’s legs and a shared location address.
Bad Influence: Part 3 – At work (FF) (Fiction)
After our little adventure with Josh, I didn’t see Barbara for a few days. I had a feeling she was avoiding me as she wasn’t returning my texts as fast as she normally did and I had a suspicion, now that she was my manager at work, she was specifically giving me jobs where I wasn’t near her.
That Thursday, I was running late for work. I wish I could give some innocent reason like I’d missed my bus or my car had broken down or I was feeling unwell but, the truth was, the day before I’d met a guy in a coffee shop, went back to his place and fucked him raw. As usual after a one night stand, I was late. I eventually arrived forty minutes late.
Barbara and I worked in a large supermarket and I usually worked on the tills. I was just putting my uniform on and getting ready to head over to them when I heard Barbara’s voice over the tannoy –
“Could Ava please come to the manager’s office now.”
“Uh oh,” I thought to myself, “I’m in trouble.”
Bad Influence: Part 2 – The Lesson Continues (FFM) (Fiction)
Barbara was in a state of shock. It was as if she had come out of a trance and was only just realising that she was nearly completely naked and glazed in cum.
Josh stood up and went to the bathroom to have a shower and I tried to calm Barbara down.
“Don’t worry, honey. You haven’t done anything wrong,” I said, in my most soothing voice.
“I’m- I’m not supposed to do stuff like this. This is sinful,” she was almost in hysterics.
I knew though, if she got into a panic now, she would retreat into herself forever so I did the only thing I could think of to distract her – I started kissing her again. Almost in spite of herself, she kissed me back. I made sure to start licking the cum off her innocent face too.
“It tastes good, right?” I asked her as she licked it off my tongue.
She nodded.
“Pussy tastes even better.”
I then lay back and opened my legs. Almost instinctively, Barbara got back on her knees in front of me.
Bad Influence (FFM) (Fiction)
When I’m sober, I am considerate, caring and respectful of other peoples’ boundaries. I try to make people feel comfortable at all times and don’t try to push people into things they don’t want to do but… once I’ve had a drink or two, I become such a bad influence.
Before I go any further, I reckon I should introduce myself. My name is Ava. I’m 23 years old, I’m 5’7, I have straight, brunette hair and slightly tanned skin owing to my Dad’s Greek roots and I am a massive slut.
This story concerns my best friend, Barbara. Barbara was homeschooled because her parents are strictly religious so we didn’t meet at school but rather we both work in the same shop. Barbara is a very quiet girl and, just like her parents, very religious. Unlike me, she rarely drinks. It isn’t prohibited by her religion but she thinks that bars and clubs are places “where sin happens”.
We might sound like an unlikely friendship but, once you get past the introversion and the stern religious beliefs, she is a lovely person.
Meeting my French penpal – Part 2 (MF) (Fiction)
Following our evening in the bar, I didn’t see Camille for a few days because I had a lot of work over the summer for university. Thankfully, due to the long holidays teachers get, she was in town for a few days.
Three days after our first encounter in person, I woke up to a text from Camille –
“Hey, what are you doing today?”
“I have to study :(“
“Oh no! Maybe this will keep you going.”
Seconds later I received a video. I opened it and saw Camille deep throating a dildo.
“Wishing this was you…” read her next text.
We sexted for a few minutes more but, unfortunately, I really did have to go to the library. I had a lot of work to catch up on before semester started again. Reluctantly, I got dressed and headed to the library.
The next few hours were a slog. It felt like the clock was going backwards and it was very hard to concentrate knowing that Camille was somewhere in the city.
Around 3pm, my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw it was a text from Camille.
Backstage at the Oscars (MF) (Fiction)
For the last five years I’ve worked backstage at the Oscars. You wouldn’t know it watching the ceremony on TV but, behind the curtains, there are hundreds of guys like me ensuring the smooth running of the show.
Everytime I tell someone what I do, they always get excited and ask me if I have any good stories: “What’s such-and-such like?”, “Is it true *insert name here* is a bastard?” etc. To everyone’s disappointment, I usually don’t have any interesting or salacious insights about their favourite celebrities. The truth is, most celebrities are so busy on the night that they don’t notice the little guys like me. That is, until last year…
I work as a technician and I help set up the stage prior to the show starting. Once the show starts, I usually don’t have much to do but I’m paid to hang around anyway, just in case there’s any technical difficulties that need fixed urgently. It’s boring but it’s nice to get paid for basically doing nothing. Over the years, I’ve discovered a few places backstage where I can hide away and scroll on my phone, read a book or even sneak a few beers.
Meeting my French penpal (MF) (Fiction)
I had been exchanging letters with my penpal, Camille, since March 2020. Like a lot of people, I was stuck inside, on my own for much of the early part of the pandemic and I figured this would be a good way to pass the time. You have no idea how exciting receiving a handwritten letter is when the only thing you did that day was go to buy milk.
I found Camille through a penpal website that introduces people with similar interests. The way it worked was you put in your name, age and hobbies and you were matched with someone.
In our first letters, we explained who we were and what we did. I told her I was 19 years old and was a student. In her reply I learned she was 27 and an English teacher in a school in France. We hit it off (as much as you can through letters) immediately. I think she enjoyed hearing the perspective of someone slightly younger and I appreciated her advice.