She opened my eyes. 21[m]26[f]

This is an experience I had in my early twenties. My life at the time was full of drug-filled parties and gatherings with a little wild sex sprinkled here and there. This story takes place in early fall. I(21m)was a very active individual at the time spending the majority of my free time hiking or sunbathing at the local swimming holes always with a bag of grass on my person. I have always been more of a slender well-toned individual with sun kissed skin and messy head of brown hair. My love interest at the time was a sight to behold. Her name was Miranda(26) she was a few years older than me and had just finished college with a degree in psychology and shortly after started her career. Very much out of my league with her long wavy dark hair that seemed to fall perfectly in the middle of her back. Her fair complexion was almost porcelain. Her body was perfectly proportioned with all the curves in all the right places with a bust that seemed to be sculpted by the gods. Her legs and ass were perfectly toned. We had adopted somewhat of an odd relationship where she seemed to whole hardly want to take care of me in every way. She showered me with gifts and always wanted me by her side in any social event that took place. Our age never seemed to come into play. (Here is where the story begins) On this day the weather didn’t permit me to enjoy my regular past times and so I had spent the majority of my time cleaning around my apartment and doing all around busy work. I was bored until I received a phone call phone a friend of mine invited me over to partake in a drug I was already all too familiar with…Lucy(LSD). Stating that it was the best batch he had ever received and he had plenty to share. My feet couldn’t have hit the door fast enough. I make the short walk to the party in what felt like moments. I bound across the rather large front porch of my friend’s abode and open the front door to a room full of people that were very obviously on edge waiting for the drug to take its hold. I make my way through the crowd and find my friend sitting in the kitchen. Sitting at the kitchen table my friend is blotting out the clear liquid onto small pieces of paper and distributing it to his guest. He sees me and says very enthusiastically “Here man you have to try this.” and hands me two small pieces of paper. Without a second thought, I place them under my tongue and wait and wait for hours I waited but felt nothing. I felt cheated everyone else was exploring their minds while I stood around disappointed. So I approach my buddy and explain my predicament and he cautiously offers me more explaining that these things sometimes take time and that he didn’t want to have to babysit me the entire night. I ignore his warning and take another dose and make my way to the front porch where I find a group standing just under the shelter of the roof from the now heavy rainfall. In the midst of our conversation, I feel the familiar wave start to take over my body. Finally, I’m getting on the same level as the other guest. Just as the light from what little sun we had started to dissipate so does my good mood and I find myself spiraling out of control. My mind was racing, my heart was beating like a snare drum in my chest and I knew at that moment I had to get out of there. Frantic I say my goodbyes and make my way back to my apartment. Where decide I can’t do this alone and call my safe haven. I call the one person that I know will take care of me…Miranda The phone rang for what felt like forever until finally the voice on the other end answers ” Hey baby. I’ve been waiting to hear from you how is everything”. Before she can even finish what she is saying I am pleading for her to come to get me. Miranda hears the drug-induced fear in my and calmly say “I am on my way. Just stay on the phone and listen to my voice ill be there in just a moment.” I listen to her sweet nothings over the phone closing my eyes trying to gain some kind of control as she makes her way to my side. Finally, I hear her voice just outside the door and let her in. She looks at me with concern and calmly grabs my face and gives me a kiss. I melt into her lips. She commands “Sit right here while I gather you some clothes. We are going back to my place”. I do as I’m told. Not wanting to risk her being any more unhappy with the situation than she already was. Still talking to me from the other room I feel at ease. Eventually, she leads me to her luxury SUV places me in the back seat and pulls out of my apartment complex. Listening to the road noise and calming music she has playing I drift into my head until we reach her townhome. Miranda leads me in the front door and immediately tell me to take my clothes off and that she is going to start me a shower. My paranoia sets in and I’m fearful that she is angry with me. I begin to apologize for my lack of responsibility. She silences me with another kiss and says ” When you play with fire darling sometimes things get out of control. Now let’s get you cleaned up. I’m going to make sure you enjoy the rest of the night.” She lifts my shirt over my head and runs her hands down my chest and stomach then retreats to the bathroom. I hear the shower start as I struggle to remove the rest of my clothes. As I walk into the bathroom I notice she is undressing as well and looks over her shoulder at me and smiles. Surely the look on my face was comical because I was mesmerized by the sight of her naked body. She holds the shower door open for me and allows me to stumble in( I have no depth perception so walking is not my strong suit in the state I was in.) She follows in behind me. I am standing there letting the water run over my body entranced by the streams of water running over my muscles when I feel a soapy hand run over my back and my shoulders. She’s bathing me something about the situation felt oddly intimate and intense as her hands explore my body from my neck and chest all the way to my groin and legs. She leaves no portion of me untouched. The extreme sensation of her rubbing me mixed with my altered state of mind leaves me in a state of bliss. All of the negative emotion that I had experienced had been washed away by her touch. The water turns off and she hands me a towel. I can see the lust in her eyes. I remember thinking she may be enjoying this a little too much. We dry off and she leads me to her bedroom where I lay down on her bed staring off into the string lights she has hanging from her ceiling. Miranda leaves the room and comes back with a jar of her homemade massage oil. I’m in another world and she knows it. I feel her straddle my hips and feel her start to rub the oil on my chest and neck as the tingling sensation from the oil sets me skin into a frenzy of sensations she kisses me deeply as her hands caress my body making their way to my rock hard cock. She massages my balls and milks as much precum from my shaft at a very slow and steady pace. Teasing me until she feels my orgasm start to build and abruptly stops. With a sly grin and tone, she asks me to flip to my stomach. Miranda’s fingers trace my back and kiss my neck and ears slowly I become more and more relaxed again my climax no longer in reach when she makes her way down my legs still leaving me wanting. Feeling her hands come up the inside of my thighs I realize she isn’t stopping there. She starts massaging my ass and balls something I’ve never experience gently rubbing the rim of my hole with her thumb my body gradually starts to become accustomed to a sensation I have never felt before. My legs become jelly and my glutes relaxed. I begin to moan with ecstasy. My mind is wondering where this side of her came from? She has never expressed interest in something like this. Such a foreign state of bliss completely new to me. That’s when I feel the cool oil being dripped on my hole. What is she planning next?! That’s when I feel her breath on my neck and her lustful voice in my ear “Relax darling. I am going to show you true pleasure tonight” as she plunges her finger into me. I groan my eyes roll deep into my head she keeps a steady pace. I can feel her beckoning my hole gently as a pool of precum gathers beneath me on the sheets. I’m lost in a world of emotion and lust. I’m moaning like a pornstar and I can do nothing to contain it… she stops… and I’m neither here or there. What has she done to me? Opened my eyes to a world I never knew. How long has she wanted the opportunity to turn me into this clump of complete and utter satisfaction? Miranda urges me to get on my knees in a position that I never thought I would find myself. My face buried in the sheets I feel her sucking and moaning passionately with my balls in her mouth stroking my rock hard cock. I am shivering with pleasure. She knows I’m under her control and she loves it. Miranda lets my balls fall from her mouth and for a split second, I gather myself until I feel her tongue plunge into my ass. The moaning continues as she strokes me and fucks my ass with her mouth sucking and burying her silver tongue deep in my hole. I tighten around her tongue and she feels my balls start to swell again my cum ready to explode…she stops… she’s playing a game with my fragile mind. Miranda gets off the bed and I feel empty without her touch. I hear her rustling through her drawer where she keeps her toys. I’m stuck. Frozen in such a helpless position. She returns to me this time there is no request to move she has control now and she knows it. I am pushed onto my back and commanded to hold my legs back. That’s when I see it the purple vibrator with a slight curve on the end in her hand. She looks deep into my eyes and asks “Do you trust me?” I moan “Yes” she slyly grins and ask “Do you want more?” and the only word I can muster is “Please”. She lines the tip up to my oily lubed hole and presses it into me. My cock is standing straight up. She slowly builds pace fucking my ass with her toy. Until she is thrusting it in and out of me as hard and as fast as she can finally pausing. To flip the switch and turn the vibration on high. She straddles my cock lining it up with her ass in reverse cowgirl still with my legs pulled back as far as I can she lowers her tight hole around my cock going at her own pace. Holding her toy in me as she rides my cock. She builds pace I can feel her orgasm growing as she rubs her clit with my balls. I am coming. She is coming. We come together. Time stood still as we both feel the waves wash over us until finally she pulls me out and a stream of cum pours out of her beautiful hole.