[MF] I never should have gone to that party. [alcohol, impreg, bad end. Based on a personal experience.]

I frowned, adjusting the small skirt. “Are you sure this isn’t too much?” I asked my friend Lisa.

She giggled in response and twirled around to show off her short dress. “No, silly! It’s a college party! All the girls are going to be dressed like this. Don’t you want to get out of the house for once?”

I tried to pull the short skirt lower, and gave myself a look in the mirror while nervously bunching up the skirt in my hands. I did look good, that was true. But I was more used to wearing men’s jeans and baggy sweaters. This outfit left me feeling vulnerable.

“Cmon, slut!” Lisa yelled as she buckled on a pair of high heels. “We’re going to be late!”

The party was at an older frat house near our local college. I could hear the music from a block away. I shivered as cold wind blew up my skirt. Stupid fucking Lisa. She was always trying to drag me out to parties. I usually stayed in the corner, watching her flirt. My last relationship had ended months ago. I’m not good at talking to boys. I never know what to say, never know where to put my hands.