Every month, my conservative Catholic university does a genitalia inspection to make sure us girls are maintaining our purity. As a freshman, I wasn’t clued in on what would happen, but after this night, I could tell you all about it.

I (18F) attend St. Mary’s University. Think of a Catholic boarding school, but it’s a college instead. It’s only females, has a strict dress code, mass every Sunday, chapel every morning, etc. etc. You know the deal. I didn’t really want to go, but this was the only university that my parents agreed to pay for, so I thought it couldn’t be that bad. Oh boy, was I wrong.

Of course I expected most of the regular Catholic school drama that I mentioned above. But imagine my surprise when, in the middle of the night about a month into freshman year, a group of 20 men turned on all of the lights, started making a lot of noise, and commanded all of us to wake up and get out of bed. Let me set the scene. Just like a regular boarding Catholic school, instead of putting us all into dorms, we slept in a dormitory in bunk beds lined up in rows. Think maybe an army barracks, except it was a little nicer than that and the room was bigger to fit more girls in it. We had 4 rows of bunk beds that stretched to maybe 12 a row, so about 100 of us in total. Of course it took some adjusting to, but after some time it was normal. This night was far from normal, however.

New rules this college football season: As a reward for winning, the victorious team gets an hour with the losing cheerleading squad to do whatever they want. [Orgy] [Rape]

Even though college football has always been a Texas thing, once it picked up here in California, we took a sort of… different approach. Where in Texas, a coach would grill his losing team for their strategy, athleticism, or teamwork, over here we tend to lay the blame (or the glory) on the cheerleaders as well. This is Cali, we stand up for our girls, of course. Cheerleaders are just as important as the players. In fact they’re part of the team proper, in my opinion. So if the football team wins, the cheerleaders get just as much glory by funding scholarships, turning a blind eye to the sororities on campus for a little bit, or giving the cheerleaders more leniency on practice times and scheduling. But, of course, it wouldn’t be fair if, when the football team loses, only the football team gets punished. We do things equally around here. And girls need to get their punishment too.