My AirBnB was double-booked

The door wasn’t unlocking. I called him again to make sure I had the right apartment.

“Yeah, it’s the one all the way back,” he told me.

I was in a depressing looking apartment building in Germany, trying to get in to the AirBnB I had rented.

“It’s not unlocking.”
“Oh shit, try ringing the bell.”

I rang the bell, and a noise came from inside. The latch moved and the door opened. A girl stood in the doorway. The asshole had double-booked it.

“Hallo. Sprechen sir english? Is this an airbnb?” I asked her.

“Yes and yes,” she said.

“Are you staying here?”

“Yes,” she said again. Fuck, I thought. Money was tight and I did not want to have to try and find a hotel, especially after walking 30 sweaty minutes here from the train station.

“Oh damn, I was supposed to stay here tonight too. I’ve got the guy on the phone right now.”

“Oh okay, come in and drop your bag and give me the phone,” she said. I dragged my backpack into the apartment and handed her the phone.