[MF] My gf (23) and my bestfriend (m28) got hot and fucked while I was out of town. [[DETAILS]]

So I’m not going to repeat myself with the situation but you can read my previous post and also the title says it all.

I’ll just get to the point and write down what all detail I could gather from my GF.

So it started with both of them sleeping in the same room but on separate beds, which is quite normal for us since we’re very close. They would even hold eachother while lying together on several occasions while we hung out at his place. All this was quite normal for us.

That night my girl was feeling a little low since I had just left and couldn’t fall asleep. My bestfriend was on the other bed watching a series on his cellphone as he couldn’t sleep too.

So my girl moved to his bed to join him and to try to fall asleep while watching the series but they still couldn’t sleep after the episode was over. So they both just laid there talking about random things.